Life Phases
Funny Moments
Silver Tooth Activities

What color did Ian exclusively wear as a child?

What is red?


What sung part of the mass did Ian enjoy in St. Lucia?

What is the creed? Do you believe? 


What movie series did Ian love that was also a book series he read?

What is a diary of a wimpy kid? 


When Ian tries to do a Shakira impression who does he actually sound like?

Who is Kermit the frog?


What mountain did Ian get lost on an entire day while snowboarding? 

What is Mt. Hood?


What was Ian's first dream job?

Who is a conductor to drive Thomas the tank engine?


What is Ian's least favorite music genre?

What is the Country Music Genre?


What childhood movie started a phase for Ian? Bonus points if you get the phase correct.

What is Spirit? 

Bonus 100 points - What was his horse/zebra phase?


What silly face does Ian do really well?

What is a stinky face?


What would Ian do to scare Ana into thinking she had hurt him?

What is pretend she had closed the car door on his fingers?


What music icon was Ian's first favorite artist?

Who is Micheal Jackson?


What genre of music did Ian make Mom listen to and teach her the significance of this genre to himself?

What is the genre of Rap music?


Which movie did Ian make Ana watch so many times she can no longer watch this movie with him to this day.

What is Peter Pan? 

(Half points for Toy Story 2.)


Ian always got away with things as a child. What would he do to make our Mom laugh in the middle of her reprimanding him? 

What is to start singing 1,2,3,4, peep peep peep piripi...


What item did Ian pee on and show mom when he was a young child because he thought it was funny?

What is Ana's baby doll diaper?


What historical event did Ian become obsessed learning all about as a preteen? 

What is the sinking of the titanic? Will also except- What is the movie titanic?


Which 2 artist that Ian loves are hanging up on this wall?

Who are Micheal Jackson and Sza?


What movie was Ian way to into for his age? 

What is Titanic?


Which comedian did Ana buy Ian tickets for his birthday 4 years ago and they mixed up the dates and missed the show?

Who is David Spade? 


What sport was Ian in when he broke his arm at his first game?

What is football?


What clothing article top and bottom did Ian exclusively wear rain or shine as a child? (as per his demand) 

what are a long sleeve turtle neck and sweat pants.


Who is Ians favorite artist?

Not sure actually....


What was Ian's favorite Disney Princess movie as a small child?

What is Snow White?


How many times has Ian had an emergency on the side of the road on a road trip? 

What is 2?


What would Ian do in stores to scare Mom and Dad?

What is hide in the clothes racks?