Vector and Water Borne Diseases
Food Systems
Commercial Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture

An example of a water borne disease

What is cholera? 


The name for steps taken to reduce the risk or severity of a disease 

What are mitigation strategies? 


A food system involves inputs, ________ and outputs. 

What is "processes"? 


These farms keep animals in intensive artificial conditions indoors and pump them full of antibiotics and hormones. 

What are factory farms 


the name for the amount of water needed to produce food

What is Water Footprint? 


In the case of Malaria, this is the vector

What is a mosquito? 


The name for diseases that started in animals but mutated and were then able to jump to humans 

What are "Zoonotic Diseases"? 


In a food system, machinery, seeds, and fertilizer would all be examples of this. 

What are inputs? 


According to Jared Diamond, this is the worst mistake made in the history of the human race

What is agriculture? 


This is the name for farming that involves growing enough food/rearing enough animals to support immediate family only 

What is Subsistence Agriculture?


Name 2 ways to prevent the spread of Malaria 

What are: bed nets, insecticide, Drainage Systems, Education, Quality Housing, New Vaccine, Clothing, Wealth?


When a proportion of a population becomes immune (either through disease or vaccination), and the disease is not able to trigger new epidemics.

What is "herd immunity"? 


This is an output of a dairy farm

What is money, dairy products (milk, cheese, etc.) 


Commercial farms sell their crops/animals in order to ________

What is make a profit?


This is the name for water that has been previously used and may contain impurities. It comes from washing hands, cleaning vegetables, and industrial operations

What is Gray Water? 


Name ways to prevent the spread of cholera 

What are: drink safe water, wash hands frequently, prepare food safely, disposes of feces properly 


The name for the type of diffusion where a disease would spread first in a larger city and then to smaller cities. 

What is hierarchical diffusion? 


An Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) that is equal or greater than 1 is considered what...

What is efficient?


This is the name for the widely used herbicide that has been called a "probably human carcinogen" by the World Health Organization. 

What is Glyphosate? 


The term "biosequestration" involves drawing this down into the soil in order to reduce the amount in the atmosphere 

What is Carbon/Carbon Dioxide?


Name 1 country we learned about that is dealing with cholera

What is Yemen, What is Ghana? 


The concept that areas that are closer to the source (of disease) are more likely to be affected by it, whereas areas further away are less likely or will be affected at a later date

What is Distance Decay/Frictional Effect of Distance? 


This is the equation for calculating Energy Efficiency Ratios

What is Energy Outputs / Energy Inputs? 

FAD (Food Availability Deficit) is when food is physically unavailable due to drought or flood, but FED (Food Entitlement Deficit) is when food is unavailable because of what? 

Political and Economic reasons, for example- war or prices are too high 


This type of agriculture is all about minimizing soil disruptions, maximizing crop diversity, and partnering with nature. 

What is Regenerative Agriculture?