Causes of the Great Depression in the Americas
FDR and the New Deal
The Great Depression in Canada
Latin America and the Great Depression
Great Depression Impact on Society and Arts
Instead of buying shares of stocks with cash, people used this in order to pay for them.
What is buying on credit/margin?
This proposed legislation severely tainted FDR's reputation as it went against the Constitutional principle of Checks and Balances.
What is Court Packing?
The suppression of this movement caused Regina riot.
What is the On-to-Ottawa Trek?
This commonly grown South American crop was burned and used in construction to combat price drops during the Great Depression in Brazil.
What is coffee?
President Roosevelt gave these to the people of the America using the radio in order to inform citizens about new legislation and progress during the Great Depression.
What are Fireside Chats?
The attempt to protect the home market from foreign goods signed by Hoover that caused other nations to raise their tariffs
What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
This political figure was a part of the opposition to FDR. This person proposed the Share Our Wealth program.
Who is Huey Long?
Mackenzie King was notorious for hiding behind this.
What is the British-North America Act
This organization and concept was founded and promoted to help promote domestic production of products to promote South American goods and the economic independence of South America.
What is Import Substitution Industrialization?
Working as the Secretary of Labor, this woman was hewas the first female cabinet official in the history of the United States, representing the growing influence of women in the US.
Who is Frances Perkins?
This cause of The Great Depression had the rich receiving more money while the poor stayed poor.
What is uneven distribution of wealth?
This new deal program included the establishment of minimum wage, placed a limit on working hours, and eliminated child labor.
What is the National Recovery Administration
This Conservative Party member was the prime minister of Canada during the Great Depression.
Who is Richard Bedford Bennett?
This method of farming was moved away from and significantly downsized in South America with the start of the Great Depression and helped to promote agricultural diversity.
What is plantation?
Name two iconic pieces of media were made for the public during the Great Depression.
What is the Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Grapes of Wrath, Tarzan the Ape, Citizen Kane?
This immediate event signaled the coming of the Great Depression and not only brought economic turmoil to countries all over the world but weakened confidence in the market
What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
This new deal legislation aimed to raise farm prices so that farmers could survive and put a halt to the abandonment of Farms.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Agency?
This movement came to be in Canada during the Great Depression due to Canadian citizens looking to religion for comfort.
What is the Social Gospel Movement?
This political ideology encompassed the three parties that formed the concordancia in Argentina
What is conservatism?
This organization aimed for the passing of a federal anti lynching law due to the growth of racism as the depression deepened.
What is the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Name three reasons why the economic boom during the 1920s in Canada ended.
What is increased tariffs across the world made a decline in trade, Over-dependence on stable products, Over-dependence on the economy of the United States, Heavy debt-burden carried by governments and individuals, or Supply of commodities and manufactured products exceeded demand leading to a decline in world prices for commodities
"I also ask this Congress for authority and for funds sufficient to manufacture additional munitions and war supplies of many kinds, to be turned over to those nations which are now in actual war with aggressor nations. Our most useful and immediate role is to act as an arsenal for them as well as for ourselves. They do not need man power, but they do need billions of dollars worth of the weapons of defense. The time is near when they will not be able to pay for them all in ready cash. We cannot, and we will not, tell them that they must surrender, merely because of present inability to pay for the weapons which we know they must have" FDR was referencing to a specific US policy.
What is the Lend Lease Act?
Name two pieces of legislation/organizations implemented by Richard Bedford Bennett.
What is the Canadian Wheat Board, the Farmers Creditors Arrangement Act, the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act, the Bank of Canada, the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission?
Name two causes for the Great Depression in Latin America with reference to region specific issues.
What is coffee price drops, decreased foreign investment, importation/exportation imbalance, crop uniformity, and high unemployment?
This program employed 40,000 individuals and boosted artists of film and other mediums during the Great Depression.
What is Federal Project Number One?