The Rest of the World (1800’s)
The Tanzimat Era
Ottoman Sultans
Lebanese Civil War

This country was officially formed in 1867 following Emperor Francis II (of Austria)’s abdication 

What is Austria Hungary?


This edict was issued in 1839 and marked the begging of the Tanizmat era, aiming to guarantee basic rights like security of life, property, and honor to all subjects regardless of their religion

What is the Edict of Gülhane?


This Ottoman sultan issued the Nizam-I Cedid and layed the groundwork for the Tanzimat reforms

Who is Selim III?


These were the 2 groups of people that fought and massacred each other during the the Lebanese Civil War

Who were the Maronite‘s and the Druze? (Which belonged to which religion?)


This famous Ottoman Sultan ruled from 1520 to 1566 and saw the Empire through one of its golden ages

Who is Suleiman the Magnificent?


This magic wizard man died of Hypothermia after people tried to assassinante by poisoning him and then shooting him (Oh, and he was also real good friends with the Russian Royal family)

Who is Rasputin?


This edict was issued in 1859 and sought to guarantee legal rights to all subjects of the empire regardless of their religion

What is the Hatt-i Humayun Edict?


This anti-reform sultan abolished the Nizam-I Cedid army and relied heavily on the Janissaries, granting them more power and influence

Who is Mustafa IV?


This was the approximate number of people killed in the Damascus Massacre

How much is 3,000?(?)

The Ottoman Empire conquered this famous (orthodox) empire

What is the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire?


This conference in 1884 saw many of the great powers of the world including Britain, France, Portugal, and Germany discuss the colonization of Africa 

What is the Berlin Conference? (Extra points if someone can name what this race for Africa was called)


The Second Era of Tanzimat sought to promote this idea

What is Ottoman-Islamism?


This sultan appeared pro-reform at first, but quickly began centralizing power and turning the empire more and more authoritarian

Who is Abdul Hamid II?


This is the name of the leader of France who sent 6,000 troops to put down the violent uprisings in Lebanon

Who is Napoleon III?


The Ottoman Empire joined the side with these countries in WW1

What is Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Bulgaria


This political Entity with over 300 member states was established by King Charlemagne of France in 800 and was dissolved in 1806 following the Treaty of Pressburg

What is the Holy Roman Empire? (HRE)


This event saw the formal abolishment of the Janissaries in 1826

What is the Auspicious Incident?


This sultan implemented a selective approach when reforming, implementing reforms to the Navy and infrastructure as well as cultural relations with Europe

Who is Abdulaziz I?


What is Persia?


What is the name of this island?

What is Cyprus?


This Union general was dismissed after the Battle of Antietam in 1862, despite claiming a victory (and also ran for president against Abraham Lincoln)

Who is George McLellan?


This convention in 1838 promoted European imports to the detriment of Ottoman merchants

What is the Anglo-Turkish Convention?


This Ottoman sultan only reigned for 3 months and wanted to implement a constitutional monarchy

Who is Murad V?


This was the name of the local Ottoman governor accused of letting the massacres happen

Who is Ahmed Pasha?


These 3 cities were often referred to as The Three Romes

What is Rome, Moscow, and Constantinople