Parliamentary Procedures
Comet Program
IBEW Constitution
Final Jeopardy

A set of parliamentary rules for conducting meetings

What are Robert's Rules of Order


This type of worker works side by side with the unorganized workers sharing information and giving insight into a union shop

what is a salt worker/ salting


Is part of every local union's bylaws

What is the IBEW Constitution

Stops a debate and take a vote on a pending question on the floor that does requires a second

What is previous question


This office typically lists the number of individuals employed as electricians

What is the state employment office


Meets every 5 years on the third Monday of September

What is the IBEW


What motion can only be made about a main motion, is debatable but cannot be amended

What is to Postpone Indefinitely

This is a union's most important resource

What are the local union members


The International President, Secretary-Treasurer, 11 Vice Presidents, Executive council Chair, and 8 Executive council members are all considered these

What are International Officers


What are 3 ways to enhance the public image of organized labor at the local level?

1. Address civics and economic classes

2. Volunteering to speak at Career Day

3. Try to maintain elected positions on city, county, state boards and commissions


A motion to introduce business and requires a second

What is a main motion


This is what the acronym COMET stands for

What is Construction Organizing Membership Education Training


This article stipulates the rules of local unions

what is article 15


What types of motions require a second, and typically require to pass with a majority vote

what is a subsidiary motion


Are 3 ways that local unions combat nonunion benefits

What is control the skilled labor supply, dominate the market, and enforce uniform standards


A local union by this many electrical workers or employees under the IBEW jurisdiction

what is not less than 10