IN Alone by Megan E Freeman, what phrase describes the main character's family.
"a freak show"
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what is the first thing Maddie does immediately after getting the voicemails and texts?
She speed-dial's her mom.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does Maddie do after she finds that the phones were left behind?
Call 911 and receive "that has been disconnected..." and her grandparents.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, why was Millerville evacuated?
There was and imminent threat.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what rule does Maddie follow for most of her time alone?
Her dad's rule of staying put.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, which of her brother's is in Accelerated?
In alone by Megan E Freeman, after calling and texting everyone, what does Maddie do?
Turn on the television,and look outside.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does Maddie notice that gives her hope the evacuation might not take too long?
People left their pets.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what did Maddie watch on the first night after the evacuation?
The Philadelphia Story with Katherine Hepburn.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, how long did Maddie survive staying alone in Millerville?
Over three years.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, in
Maddie's dad's first voicemail, what does he reassure her Jennifer is bringing?
Earbuds and Purple Jeans.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, why don't the police notify Maddie?
The police don't think anyone's there, her grandparents only stay on holiday's and during the summer.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what did Jennifer leave behind that is unusual?
She left her flutes.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, where does Maddie sleep on her first night?
In Mom and Paul's room.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, how long does Karana live alone on her island in Island of the Blue Dolphins?
18 years.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what nicknames do her parents give her in their Voicemail's?
Sweetheart,Peanut (dad), darlin', sweets(Mom).
Inn Alone by Megan E Freeman, what calms Maddie's fears of poison in the air?
The birds are singing.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does Maddie decide to do in the hours after the evacuation to make up for lying?
She cleans and organizes her mom's house.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman,what does Maddie find in her mom's bathroom that she wants to save?
A clump of her mother's hair.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, on the third night, what significant event happens?
The power goes out.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman , in Ashanti's text after the evacuation, what line does she say she is in?
In Alone by Megan E Freeman,what was left behind at the embarkation point?
Half-packed suitcases and compromised phones on sidewalks by the megachurch.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does her grandparents voicemail continue to say when she calls?
Heavy Call Volume.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what crash did when here at the Norton's house?
George the rottweiler breaking the cookie jar to eat.
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what do Maddie and George do after the power outage?
They conduct an investigation of the town.