Lesson 1: Creating and managing references
Lesson 2: Create and update a table of contents
Lesson 3: Proofreading a document
Lesson 4: Finalizing a document
Lesson 5: Checking for document issues

This is a reference that appears at the end of the page.

What is a Footnote


This refers to a detailed list of sources typically found at the end of a document.

What is a bibliography?


This can help you find a synonym for a selected word.

What is a Thesaurus?


You can use this feature to examine what a hard copy  of you document will look like prior to printing.

What is Print Preview?


Word stores metadata as ___________.

What is Properties or Document Properties?


This tab includes tools for inserting and managing endnotes and footnotes?

What is the References tab?


All of the following are options you have when inserting a citation: insert a citation for an existing source, create a new source and insert a citation for it and insert a citation with a placeholder. True or False?

What is True?


The _______ group on the ________ tab contains tools for spelling and grammar, finding synonyms and determining word count.

What is Proofing and Review?


This is a text or an image placed under the regular content in a document.

What is a Watermark?


This tool helps ensure that your document will open in older versions of Word.

What is Compatibility Checker?


This provides a list of major sections in a document.

What is table of contents?

This feature stores sources that you have entered in all documents, including the current document.

What is Master List?


List 3 tools that can be accessed in the Proofing pane.

What are spelling suggestions, grammar suggestions and punctuation errors?


This is an area at the top of each page that you can use for content shared across each page of the document.

What is a header?


This is the tool you would use to find missing alternative text.

What is Accessibility Checker?


This is where endnote entries are located.

What is at the end of the document?


This is the tab where you find tools for customizing pages in your documents.

What is Design Tab?


The ________ pane is where you correct spelling and grammar issues.

What is Editor?


You can find the command for creating a header or footer.

What is on the Insert tab?


__________ is how well people who use assistive technology can use a document.

What is accessibility?


List 2 main differences between footnote and endnote?

What is 

1. footnotes use Arabic numerals (1,2,3...) and endnotes use Roman numerals (i,ii,iii...)

2. footnotes are placed at the end of the page and endnotes are placed at the end of the document


You can use this tool to add and maintain sources in your document.

What is Source Manager?


This feature found on the grammar check context menu allows you to ignore suggestions and prevents Word from making similar suggestions found elsewhere in the current document.

What is Don't check for this issue?


This is considered a typical use for a watermark?

What is to share information about the state or status of the document?

This tool allows you to review metadata prior to sharing it with colleagues or other classmates. You can also use this tool to help find and remove these pieces of data.

What is Document Inspector?