Training Day
Implementation Station
Observe This
Ok, now that that's done...
I'm all YERs!

This training is required for all new LST teachers.

What is an initial training?


This is an opportunity to collect site personnel feedback during the program delivery process. Should occur in-person, remote is possible though.

What is a Site Visit?


This teaching technique occurs when the LST instructor gives step-by-step instructions of a behavior.

What is Coaching/Demonstration?


An IC sends the LST teacher a link to the online TFS after the instructor does this.

What is finishes their first (or only) cycle of implementation?


The definition of a "large site."

What is a site with 3 or more teachers?


This is the type of training workshop that you typically schedule for new teachers before the beginning of implementation.

What is an Initial Training?


This form collects information about students that received LST each school year.

What is the Demographics form?


A classroom problem on the observation form that includes the lesson being taught in a gym or cafeteria.

What is Inadequate Classroom Facility?


After they’ve completed all their assigned observations, an IC sends an observer this.

 What is a link to the Observer Feedback Survey?


This is an infographic that summarizes data in an eye-catching way.

What is the Report/Venngage Supplement?


During a training, this person is the LST Expert.

Who is the NHPA Trainer (or TOT)?


This is what IC's do after site visits to thank personnel for their time and to provide any resources that may be helpful.

What is sending a follow up email?


These are the site personnel you contact to obtain observer candidates.

Who are principals, site coordinators, superintendents, and past reliable observer candidates?


It’s what an IC sends to a site coordinator when all lesson implementation is completed for the year at their school/district.

What is a link to the site coordinator feedback survey?


This is the rule for writing numbers greater and less than 10.

What is spell out numbers less than 10; write numeral for 10 and above?


This is a regional training that trains teachers to be certified LST trainers.

What is a TOT Workshop?


This is the amount of time in advance that your site visit would be planned (ideally).

What is 4-6 weeks?


These are the two documents that you would provide an observer each year, regardless if they are a new or returning observer.

What are Session Review Forms & Observation Checklists?


This team member is responsible for running the data that comprises the TFS and observation data reports.

Who is Amanda Ladika?


This template is used when a site implements both programs.

What is the Middle and High School template?


The names of the two payment forms you should collect during trainings if you are giving teachers stipends.

What are the Payment Authorization Form & W-9?


This is the ideal order for scheduling Site Visit meetings with site staff.

What is Observers, Teachers, Admin, and then Site Coordinators?


This is where observers become certified as contractors through the University.

What is the CU Supplier System?


This version of the YER does not contain all sites data or site expenses.

What is the “Early Release” Year End Report?


The top guiding principle and the first “R” in “Reports.”

What is Respect (site, individual teachers, administrators, coordinators, observers)?