Myths and Truths
Quitting and Support
Health Effects
Scenario Time!

This chemical in tobacco and vape products leads to dependence. 

What is nicotine?


E-cigarettes produce a cloud of water vapor when used. 

What is a myth? 


MylifeMyquit, the Truth Initiative, Quit Now Kentucky are examples of this.

What is a quitting resource?


This condition can be caused by vaping and results in coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Many with this condition require an inhaler. 

What is asthma?


Your best friend started vaping last week and they are trying to get you to start as well. They said that it isn't harmful since it is just flavored air. What is the "flavored air" actually called?

It is aerosol!


These are examples of heavy metals that can get into your lungs after vaping.

What are nickel, lead, iron, and zinc?


E-cigarettes are biodegradable after 3 years and can be thrown away in regular recycling bins.

What is a myth?


This acute condition can be categorized by symptoms such as nausea, headaches, tremors , chills, fatigue, and irritability. 

What is nicotine withdrawal?

This condition is experienced by 34% of e-cigarette users, and is characterized by feelings of sadness, difficulty sleeping, and loss of interest.

What is depression?


Your older brother is trying to quit vaping and has dealing with a lot of cravings. He isn't sure how to help manage the cravings and asks your for advice. This is one way to help manage cravings.

Exercise, Grab a snack, Hang out with friends, Read, Practice a hobby, Etc


This is the chemical found in vapes that we often refer to as nail polish remover. (A_____)

What is acetone?


Nationally, 10% of middle schoolers current use e-cigarettes

What is a myth?


_/10 people experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression after quitting 

What is 9/10?


This disease causes lung cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body

What is lung cancer?


You are at a school football game and see a child, no older than 10 years old, holding a vape. They are about to try and use it. What should you do?

Look for an adult OR tell the child it is not safe to use and encourage them to dispose of it. 


This chemical is used to preserve dead bodies, yet we also find it in vapes. (F_________E)

What is formaldehyde? 


Nicotine is as addictive as heroin

What is true?


When someone is looking to quit using e-cigarettes, they should set a quit date this far into the future. 

What is two weeks?


This conditions results in swelling of the airs acs in the lungs. 

What is popcorn lung?


Your mom has been trying to quit vaping for a long time, but has not been successful. She feels like she needs more support, especially day-to-day. What can you recommend. 

Recommend an online quitting resource, such as Quit now Kentucky


This chemical can cause burns on the mouth and lips. It is found in rat poison and weed killer. (A___OL___N)

What is acrolein?


The average cost of vaping in 2020 was $3000

What is true?


This is the state of relying on or being controlled by nicotine. 

What is nicotine dependence?


This type of cancer effects your blood

What is Leukemia?


Your friend has been vaping consistently for a few years and has kept it hidden from everyone except you and a few close friends. They tell you about how their chest has been hurting a lot and they have been getting dizzy, especially when doing exercise. They refuse to tell anyone about the symptoms. What do you do?

Tell someone!!