What is the first episode of iCarly?
SEASON 1, EPISODE 1, "iPilot "
How did iCarly get it's name?
When Sam and Carly were upset with each other, quit iCarly and did their own activities with Dave and Fleck, why did they decide to make up?
They both experienced a near-death experience together and saved each other's lives. (Both almost fell from the high rise on top of the 14th floor)
What happened to Harry when One Direction was on iCarly?
He got jungle worms from Carly.
What is Carly's last name?
What is the final episode of iCarly called?
Who is Baggels?
A large sack of yogurt.
Why did Sam and Freddie kiss the second time?
Sam was hiding her crush on Freddie, and when he came to find her when she was upset, she ended up kissing him and he returned the kiss.
What happened when Carly, Sam, and Freddie went to Nora's house for her birthday.
She locked them in her basement because she was a psycho fan.
Who always starts fires?
What was the episode that featured a dim-witted guy named Cort?
What did Carly, Sam, and Freddie do with FRED (Lucas) when he was on iCarly?
Freddie and Lucas hugged to show they had made up, and they all made a comedy video with Lucas.
Why was Carly upset on her father's birthday?
Because he said he'd come home, however a problem with the military happened which forced him to stay.
When Chuck sees Spencer stuck in storage, what did he do?
He locked the door and held him there for 2 days as revenge for getting him grounded.
What is Freddie's real name.
What episode was Gibby first seen in?
SEASON 1, EPISODE 3; "iDream of Dance"
What did Nevel do when he was on iCarly?
He apologized to the little girl who he yelled at.
Why couldn't Sam get back into America when she went with Spencer, Freddie and Gibby to the Canadian Fat Cake Factory?
Because she lost all of her proof that she was an American citizen.
What happened when Mandi accidentally gave the iCarly web address to Nevel?
Nevel turned it into a site that embarrasses Carly and Sam and refused to give it back without a kiss from Carly.
What color are Sam's eyes?
What episode featured David Archuleta?
SEASON 2, EPISODE 12; "iRocked the Vote"
What's the name of the cartoon that someone made that was featured on the webshow?
Bitty Big Heads
Why did T-bo start staying with Mrs. Benson?
He was told he couldn't stay in the Groovie Smoothie anymore.
When everyone split in "iGoodye" where did everyone go?
Carly went to Italy with her dad, Sam went to Los Angeles and met Cat, and Spencer, Freddie, and Gibby stayed in Seattle.
What is Gibby's real name