Describe the best day you EVER had ......
What is something you are good at? Something you like about yourself?
If you could have any video game character as your best friend, who would it be?
What is your favorite movie?
The one thing I wish people knew about me is ........ "
What game have you spent the most amount of hours on?
Finish the sentence...... "I like my parents but sometimes......
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
XBOX or PlayStation? Choose one!
What is your greatest dream? What do you want more than anything?
When I think about the most important person in my life it is .........
Which video game character do you most wish you were like?
Show me 3 items in your room that you like.
If you could fly anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?
Have you ever gotten really angry when you lost a game?
Has the quarantine been hard for you? What is something you learned about your self in this quarantine?
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
If video games didn't exist anymore, what would you do?