Find someone who has a pet. What is it? Name?
Nice work!
Find someone who played a video game last week. What system and games?
Ask a friend what their favourite ice cream flavour is? What is their least favourite?
Find a classmate. Help each other figure out how many tiles are on the floor in this classroom?
The answer is ______ (I have no idea, do you think I'm counting 400 tiles?!)
Find someone who has been camping before or went to a cottage/trailer this summer.
What is your family background or nationality?
Canadian? German? Jamaican?
What was the best movie or show that you watched this summer?
Netflix, Disney, Crave, YouTube...
Ask a friend what toppings they like on their pizza.
Yes. Pineapple counts.
Find a different classmate. Help each other figure out how many wheels are in the classroom (not hiding in cupboards!)?
Again. Do you think I'm counting all the wheels?!!
Find a friend who saw family from out of town this summer. Where did you go or where did they come from?
New Saskatchewan.
McDonalds or Wendy's? Which restaurant is better? Find someone who disagrees.
What music did you listen to over the summer?
Slushie or Smootie?
Find a different classmate. Have 1 (or 5) games of tic-tac-toe with a friend, use the back of this page.
It's just a game.
Favourite thing about the Oshawa Centre.
What does your name mean? First, last, middle? How were you named? Tell someone your full name.
Hands up!
Doritos or popcorn? Find a friend who agrees with you.
Bold BBQ
Find a different classmate. Spend 45 seconds talking about...why soup is like a salad. Or why a hot dog is a sandwich.
A hot dog IS a sandwich!
Who went swimming this summer? Pool, lake, ocean?
Line up as a class in order of your birthdays.
Junetober 37th, 2029. Correct.
What is ONE appropriate slang term that the teacher's are going to shake their heads at this year?
Candy or chocolate? Find a friend who agrees with you.
Find a different classmate and tell them...One thing you may not know about me is ______.