Icebreaker 1
What was something fun you did over the summer?
Icebreaker 6
If you had to be on a tv show, which one would it be?
Icebreaker 16
What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
Icebreaker 21
What is your favorite holiday?
Icebreaker 2
If aliens landed on earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?
Icebreaker 7
What song could you listen to over and over again?
Icebreaker 17
What is something you like to cook?
Icebreaker 22
What is your favorite hobby?
Icebreaker 3
Have you ever traveled out of the country? If no, where would you go?
Icebreaker 8
What’s one tv show you like to watch?
Icebreaker 18
What’s a food or dish that you grew up eating?
Icebreaker 23
What is your favorite item you’ve bought this year?
Icebreaker 4
If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?
Icebreaker 9
What's the worst movie you have ever seen?
Icebreaker 19
Whats a weird food you have tried and didn't like?
Icebreaker 24
What is your favorite real or fictional animal or creature?
Icebreaker 5
What crazy activities do you dream of trying someday?
Icebreaker 10
If you were stranded on an island, what would 3 things would you bring?
Icebreaker 20
Does pineapple belong on pizza? Why/Why not?
Icebreaker 25
What is your favorite time of the day and why?