Customs and Traditions
Historical Events

The focal point of social organization and why

What is family because of a small population size, relative isolation of farms, and difficulty of surviving at times?


The month full of parties, the theatre, operas, and annual banquet

What is the winter?

(People that like to drink alcohol drink a lot, and the people that don't do not drink at all.)


Reason for Iceland's food culture being simple

What is harsh winters and barren soil?

(They make use of what is available.)

The dialect that was brought to Iceland when the Norwegians settled there 

What is "Old Norse"?

The first settlers of Iceland and the century it was settled in

What is the Irish monks discovered the island in the 8th century before the Norse arrived in the 9th and 10th century?

(Ingolfur Arnarson is known as the first permanent settler of Iceland.)


The Icelanders' top values and how it effects them

What is equality and individualism? In Iceland, everyone is seen as equals, they want to know how they are contributing to an outcome, and express a high level of caring and investing a great deal of energy in helping others. 


The amount of days Christmas is celebrated

What is 12 nights with various traditions happening each night?

(The 12th night celebration includes fireworks, bonfires, and drinking until dawn.)


Most typical food in Iceland and why

What is meat-based dishes (fish, lamb, or Icelandic skyr) due to the lack of farmable land


The number of letters in the Icelandic alphabet

What is 32?


The way early settlers sustained life in Iceland

What is trading with the outside world?

(Iceland had abundant resources, but people still lacked many life essentials. They traded with neighboring countries, such as Scandinavia and Europe.)


The main religion in Iceland and the God they believe in

What is Christianity and a universal spirit or life source, not a personal God?

(Many Icelanders identify as Christian, but only 1% go to Church weekly.)


Iceland is the only country to celebrate the end of this prohibition

What is the beer ban that lasted 74?

(Beer Day is on March 1st.)



Amount of times Icelanders eat fish weekly

What is twice a week and over half of the population consumes fish oil at least four times a week?

(Most restaurants have a "fish of the day", and they have a lot of seafood restaurants.)


The effect Iceland's isolated location had on its language

What is the language was easily preserved with only slight evolutions over the centuries?

(Because of this, modern Iceland speakers can still understand original text that were written 800 years ago.) 


The reason Iceland converted to Christianity

What is Olaf, the Norwegian King at the time, cut off all trade routes to Iceland because his attempt at converting Iceland failed?

(Therefore, they decided to convert.)


Things young children are taught

What is to work hard and be self-reliant?

(Different upbringings do not exist in Iceland. Thus, is why they have many strong, capable, warm women. Children are encouraged to be independent, so they are not disciplined often, especially in public. 


The holidays that celebrate women/wives and men/husbands

What is Konudagur and Bondadagur?

(Konudagur is Women or Wive's Day where the men do anything for the women in their lives. Bondadagur is Men or Husband's Day where the women celebrate their partener.)



A staple and popular traditional food in Iceland

What is stockfish?

(The stockfish are hung and dried by the cool air and wind, and it is eaten as a stack with butter. It used to replace bread in meals because it was difficult to get bread.)


Icelandic has only been influence by ___ in regard to modern language.

What is English?

(Other influences on the language are relatively insignificant.)


The result of Iceland's Civil War

What is clans that refused to accept they were subject to the Norwegian monarch initially won, but the Norwegian King was persistent and eventually signed the Old Covenant, which made Iceland a vassal of Norway?

(The different clans during the Civil War)


Emerged in 1984 and 1990 as ___ as a nation. 

What is the happiest nation?

(Although, they were not satisfied with their financial standings.)


The holiday largely associated with Norse mythology

What is Thorrablot?

(During this holiday, Icelanders celebrate the pagan gods of Iceland that they used to worship, and they toast to the old gods.)


The midwinter festival celebrated all over the country with feasts of traditional food

What is Þorri?

(You can still find cured meat in grocery stores.)


A highly original description of the language unique in Europe at the time that was concerned with the sounds of the language composed in the late 12th century

What is the First Grammatical Treatise?

The country Iceland gained its independence from

What is Demark?

(Iceland was granted to the Danish a century after Norway gained control over them. Towards the end of WW2, Denmark was still occupied by Germany, so they did not hold an election. However, 98% of Icelanders voted in favor of independence. Iceland gradually gained independence from Denmark. On June 17, 1944, Iceland officially became independent.)