Reddish brown body color with a black mane, tail, edges of ears, and lower legs.
The Spanish Horse bloodline adds strength and courage. True or False
This horse can trot or pace and used in cart racing.
This breed is a stocky, heavily muscled animal with a thick neck, broad chest, massive hindquarters, and sturdy agile legs coming in many colors
Quarter Horse
The American Bashkir Curly has a smooth, silky coat. True or False
Any reddish horse with a same color or lighter mane and tail, ranging from reddish gold to a deep burgundy or chocolate shade.
Spanish Barb
This smaller breed with no heavy muscling has huge lungs and heart which enable it to maintain the unique four-beat lateral gait for long periods of time.
Paso Fino
How many color patterns does an Appaloosa have?
This breed originated in the Arabian Peninsula and has a dished face.
Tan body with a dark mane
This breed is also known as the Stepping Horse
Peruvian Paso
This gaited horse comes in most colors and is known for carrying owners comfortably for long distances while overseeing the farm.
Tennessee Walking Horse
Alls paints can be a _________, but not all __________can be paints.
What was America's first documented native breed?
An even mixture of white and pigmented hairs which do not fade over time.
What year was the American Association of Owners and Breeders of Peruvian Paso Horses founded in?
This breed originated in the Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountain Horse
How much does a Paint weight?
950-1,175 pounds
Has a dun coloration, dorsal stripes, and zebra-like striped legs.
Kiger Mustang
What body/mane colors do most Rocky Mountain horses have?
Chocolate-colored coat with flaxen mane and tail.
This is a relatively small and stock pony with high withers and unusually long cannon bone great for being a kid's mount.
Cayuse Indian Pony
This breed is made up of three-quarters Barb blood and one quarter Andalusian blood.
Peruvian Paso
Who developed the Appaloosa?
Nez Perce Indians
This breed originated in Turkmenistan.