Active Treament
Physician Services
Nursing Services
Nursing Staff
Each resident must receive a continuous and aggressive ______ treatment program
Active treatment program (W196)
Physician services must be available 24 hours a day. True or false?
True (W319)
Nursing examinations must be ______ or more basis depending on client needs
Quarterly (W336)
Nurses must have a current license.
True (W343)
W348- The facility must provide for comprehensive diagnostics and treatment _____________ for each client
Dental Services. Every client must have access to dental services. (W348)
The Individual program plan must include opportunities for individual ______ and self management.
Choice. (W247)
The medical care plan must be integrated into _______.
The individual program plan - IPP (W321)
For those clients certified as not needing a medical care plan, a review of their health status which must- Be by a __________ which includes a visual review as well as an examination of other body systems which might be necessary
Direct Physical Examination (W334)
Facility must employ licensed nursing services sufficient to care for clients’ health needs
True (W344)
W242- The individual program plan must also include, for those clients who lack them, training in personal skills essential for privacy and ______________
Independence. (W242)
True or False: Participation by the client, his or her parent (If they are a minor), or the client’s legal guardian is required unless the participation is unobtainable or inappropriate.
True. (W209)
A physician does not need to participate in the establishment of each newly admitted client’s initial individual program plan. True or false?
False (W329)
Physical exam must _________ such as referral to a physician to address client health problems.
Result in any necessary action. You can't just give an exam and then not use the information gained from the exam. (W338)
LPN’s and Vocational nurses can work without the supervision of an RN
False (W346)
W239/240- The individual program plan must also describe the relevant interventions to support the individual toward independence.
True (W239/240)
Which of the following is NOT TRUE. -The plan must be reviewed at least by the qualified mental retardation professional and revised as necessary, including, but not limited to situations in which the client: 1-Has successfully completed an objective or objectives identified in the IPP. 2-Is regressing or losing skills already gained, and 3- Is failing to progress toward identified objectives after reasonable efforts have been made. 4- Almost completes an objective defined in the IPP.
4- Almost completes an objective defined in the IPP. Almost completing the goal is not the same as completing the goal, and thus does not require revision of the IPP. (W255-258)
An annual evaluation of visual and ________ must be provided for each client.
Hearing (W323) * also required: immunizations, screening lab examinations, special studies *
Nursing Services must include the development, with a physician, of a ___________for a client when the physician has determined that an individual requires such a plan.
Medical care plan of treatment. (W333)
Facility does not need to use RN’s as required by state law and as appropriate
False (W345)
The physician must develop, in coordination with licensed nursing personnel, ________________for a client if the physician determines that an individual client requires 24 hour licensed nursing care.
Medical care plan of treament. (W320)
W262- The facility must designate and use a specially constituted committee to review, approve and monitor individual programs designed to manage inappropriate behavior and other programs that, in the opinion of the committee, involve __________________
Risks to client protection and rights. (W262)
Nurse Practitioners and physicians assistants may be utilized to provide physician services to the extent allowed by state law
True (W328)
Implementing with other members of the interdisciplinary team appropriate protective and preventive health measures that include but are not limited to- Training _______ in detecting signs and symptoms of illness or dysfunction, first aid for accidents or illness, and basic skills require to meet the health needs of the clients.
Direct care staff (W342)
Non-licensed nursing personnel who work with clients under a medical care plan must do so under supervision of a licensed person.
True (W347)
W263-The facility must designate and use a specially constituted committee to ensure that inappropriate behavior modification programs are conducted only with the ______________ consent of the client, parents (if the client is a minor) or legal guardian.
WRITTEN informed consent (W263)