Academic Support
Wellness and Student Support
Supplemental Resources
Putting the "COM" in ICOM
Keep Calm and Have a School-life Balance

These are the people you can contact if you need help from a fellow student to learn course material.

Peer Tutors (2nd years) 


These two individuals are ICOM's two behavioral health specialists, are available to you via an appointment, and can be utilized as often as you need them. 

Jake Price 

Shatae Mullins


This resource is utilized by MANY medical students, including those here at ICOM. It has a paid version, is not paid for by ICOM, but has been found to be extremely helpful by many due its spaced repetition algorithm. 



When interacting with your patients, this will be exceptionally important and will be one of the most important things to establish and continue throughout the patient-physician relationship, enabling patients to feel understood and increasing their inclusion in the care process. 



This paved walking/biking/running trail in Boise has over 30+ miles of pavement/cement and lines follows the pathway of the Boise river. This is a great place to come for a walk along the river or a long 40+ mile bike on a weekend. 

Boise River Greenbelt


These are the people you can contact if you need help figuring out your learning style or need help with adjusting your learning style after a failed exam. 

Learning specialists


This free service is available to all ICOM students and their immediate family members. Available 24/7 for either virtual consultations or face-to-face in person consultations, assistance includes, but is not limited to, personal, professional, legal, financial, and school related counseling and personal consultation services.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

This resource is is comprised of videos that explain complex topics in short, succinct videos complemented by written and verbal instruction. This resource is paid for by ICOM. 



Direct quote from the website: 

"Founded in 1898, [this] is the leading voice for the education and training of physicians who practice osteopathic medicine in settings ranging from primary care to pediatrics. We support colleges of osteopathic medicine in their efforts to attract and train future physicians who are fueled by a desire to make a difference, to treat the whole person and build a future of health and wellness for all people."


Whether you like skiing, mountain biking, scenic hiking, or a scenic drive, heading up to this popular mountain, just under 20 miles from Boise, is sure to offer great views and a much needed break from the rigors of medical school. 

Bogus Basin


Academic Affairs is the department at ICOM that handles excused absence requests. This person is the Dean of Academic Affairs. 

Dean Matthew Linton


This is the easiest location to find the link to schedule an appointment with ICOM's behavioral health specialists. 

ICOM website! 


This resource is comprised of a series of videos that explain complex topics in visual sketches that that uses pictorial memory tools to help you remember important details of complex topics. This resource is not paid for by ICOM. 



This is the name of the 3 exams that all osteopathic physicians need to take, throughout their medical training, and pass in order to a licensed DO physician in the United States. 



"Employee-owned and operated, this is an Idaho company that is a med student’s dream. Between low prices and an extensive bulk section, if you’re budget-conscious, it’s hard to beat this. Note: they only take debit cards, no credit."



This is the location you can go to if you need help finding an outside learning resource or locating a textbook online. 

ICOM Library


This faculty member is your go to person for all questions about anything ICOM related and will be able to help you navigate all facets of the ICOM experience. They will be a fantastic resource for you while you are with them often!

Your faculty advisor


This resource has thousands of board style questions that incorporate the osteopathic approach into their questions and includes OPP questions in their questions sets. Likely beginning next semester, you will have weekly, formative quizzes to take in this resource as a part of the CCRC course. 

True Learn

Providing osteopathic specific questions and incorporating the osteopathic ideology into their practice questions, this resource (which is the same thing as True Learn) will be essential to help you prepare for your boards exams. 



Just a few minutes drive from ICOM, this brand new climbing gym offers top roping or lead climbing as well as bouldering. The gym also has weights, cardio equipment, multiple yoga studios with classes, and a special children’s wall. Students get a discount on memberships.

Vertical View Climbing Gym


This/these group(s) of people (which will likely be different for each one of you) will be an essential study resource for you and will help you develop close personal and professional relationships with your peers here at ICOM as you learn to become physicians together. 

Study group


Anytime you need anything non-academic in nature as a student here at ICOM, you can go to the office of student services to help you with whatever you need. This individual is the Dean of student services. 

Dean Thomas Moorman


This is the location at ICOM that will have hands-on models for you to learn from. The models can be made available upon request by the student, but models will also be put out by the staff in this location that are relevant to the coursework being taught to each class (OMS I and OMS II). 

ICOM Library


Providing insight into the ICOM medical school process and experience, the ICOM podcast is a great way to learn about what your future as an ICOM medical student will be like. This is the name of the ICOM podcast. 

The COM Pod


Floating the Boise river a VERY popular activity in later summer and early fall and it offers a great time with good friends/family. Floating the river usually begins at Barber park in Boise and ends at the raft take out area at Ann Morrison Park in Boise. If you need help getting a raft or getting started, this company is the go-to company to contact for raft rentals, rides back to the starting point, or information about the floating experience. 

Boise River Raft and Tube