In which movie does a character is swallow by a whale ?
In which movie does the main character have an accident during a race ?
In which movie do all the characters are together for the final battle ?
End Game
In which movie does the main character become a very young pilot ?
Star Wars 1
In which movie did an ancient navy have integrated in an imaginary population ?
In which movie did the main character's mother is killed ?
In which movie do the characters are separate during a house move ?
Toys Stories
In which movie do the characters are never on Earth ?
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie
In which movie did Nathalie Portman play the role of a senator ?
star wars 2
In which movie we can see an archeologist in a temple who try to survive of many traps ?
Indiana Jones
In which movie does a mute character introduce the story and everytime search a nut ?
L'âge de Glace
In which movie does the scriptwriter play with emotions ?
Vice Versa
In which movie does the main character lose his best friend in accident during an infiltration ?
Captain America First Avengers
In which movie did Anakin Skywalker is became a member of the darkside ?
Star Wars 3
In which movie does the character can distort himself ?
Dead Pool
In which film does the main character save his father ?
In which movie does a children is lost in an another dimension ?
Monstre & Compagnie
In which film does the story is written by an horror scripwritter ?
Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness
In which serie does the main character is not a jedi ?
The Mandalorian
In which movie do humans fight against an animal species ?
La Planète des Singes
In which movie does the story is introduce by two characters who playing piano ?
Les Aristochats
In which movie does the story take place in an italian village ?
In which movie does one character is nicknamed "Phoenix" ?
Which movie is not base in the Anakin's story ?
Rogue One
In which movie does an AI take the control of the world ?