Multiagency coordination and other
Geo Ops
Area Command

This integrates facilities, equipment, and personnel that are responsible for coordinating and supporting incident management.

What is a MAC

This is when a branch within the Operations Section develops detailed action plans while the Planning Section provides support and coordination.

What is Branch Tactical Planning

This facility is established to coordinate all incident-related public information activities, and serves as the central point of contact for all news media at the scene of the incident.

What is a Joint Information Center.

Within a MAC, this group consists of agency representatives with decision making authority.

What is the policy-level group

True or False. Area command should be staffed with qualified and experienced personnel.



These are some of the responsibilities of the Area Commander.

Set overall objectives

Ensure objectives are met and do not conflict


Allocate/relocate critical resources


These are some criterion that a multiagency group may use when establishing priorities.

Threat to life

Real property threatened 

High damage potential

incident complexity

economic impact


This is a single set of critical incident information that is shared by all responders and organizations.

What is a Common Operating Picture (COP).


True or False. When Area Command is established, The Incident Commander(s) report to the area commander.



State one reason why a single incident may be divided into multiple incidents.

An incident spreads into other jurisdictions and Unified Command is not reasonable.

Difficult to manage from one location due to terrain and access.

When the Ops section cannot manage the number of resources without exceeding span of control.

When the Planning Section, even with additional resources, can no longer adequately provide planning services.

This type of ICS structure is called:

Branch I (incident 1)

Branch II (Incident 2)

Branch 3 (Incident 3)

What is Incident Complex


What is the best option to support logistical needs instead of dividing the incident in two separate incidents?

Establish a second logistics Section reporting to a Deputy Incident Commander (Logistics).


Who are the best ICS 300/400 instructors in the world?

Shane and Maddy!!!!!!!!!!!


List 2 characteristics of major or complex incidents.

Involve more more than one agency and/or political jurisdiction.

Draw national media interest.

Span multiple operational periods.

Require extensive recovery efforts

Include widespread damage to property/environment.


The act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory or delegated authority is the definition of:

What is Command.