CaL and Student Performance

What are two ways a robot can be programmed?

Pre-programmed and manual programming.


What are the two methods of automated registration in schools?

Using magnetic swipe cards/ ID cards and using biometrics/ fingerprint.


What are the two ways schools record student performance?

System outputs and data recorded.


Give an example of robotics used in manufacturing.


  • Car Production: Paint spraying and welding.
  • Microchip Manufacturing: Precision tasks.
  • Stock Management: Automating warehouse operations.

Give two benefits of automated registration systems.

  • Accuracy: Reduces errors in attendance records.
  • Efficiency: Saves time and provides immediate updates.
  • Security: Enhances safety and accountability of students.

What is computer aided learning?

Computer-Aided Learning (CAL) uses computer-based systems to support and enhance traditional classroom teaching, providing tools like online tests and interactive content to aid student learning.


Give two disadvantages of working with robots.

Any two from:

  • Limited Flexibility: Challenges with unique, complex tasks.
  • Job Loss: Potential unemployment due to automation.
  • Skill Erosion: Loss of traditional skills.
  • Factory Relocation: Risk of moving production globally.
  • High Costs: Significant setup and maintenance.

Give two advantages of using biometrics as a registration system for schools.

Any two from:

  • High security as fingerprints are unique so not impersonation.
  • Non-transferable as fingerprints can’t be lost.
  • They are more reliable as they aren’t affected by magnetic fields.
  • Harder to clone as they are much more harder to replicate.

Give two uses of spreadsheets for monitoring student performance.


  • Record Keeping: Spreadsheets can track students' test results over a term/year.
  • Performance Comparison: Teachers can easily compare a student's performance against peers in the same subjects.
  • Data Import: Spreadsheets allow easy import of data into reports summarising a student’s performance.

Give two advantages of working with robots.

Any two from:

  • Safety: Operate in hazardous conditions.
  • 24/7 Operation: Continuous productivity.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Lower long-term costs (No wages or breaks.)
  • Consistency: Uniform product quality.
  • Task Handling: Manages repetitive tasks, freeing humans for skilled work.
  • Versatility: Can switch tasks with different attachments.

Give two disadvantages of using biometrics as a registration system for schools.

Any two from:

  • Time consuming initially as they take time to collect.
  • High costs as biometric systems are much more expensive than magnetic card systems.
  • There can be difficulty accessing the system as cuts or scrapes may not be recognised.
  • Compared to ID cards, storing students’ fingerprints raises many privacy and cybersecurity concerns.

Give two advantages of computer aided learning.

Any two from:

  • Flexible Learning: Learn at their own pace and schedule.
  • Immersive VR:Provides a fully immersive learning experience.
  • Repeated Practice:Re-take tests until proficiency is achieved.
  • Interactive: Engages students through multimedia and interactive methods.
  • Diverse Assessments: Includes MCQs, fill-in-the-blanks, and games with instant feedback.
  • Integrated Tool: Enhances, not replaces, traditional teaching.
  • Micro-Learning: Breaks down topics into small, manageable modules.

What are the three sensors for robots in production lines?

  • Presence Detection: Stops operation if no object is present.
  • Supply Monitoring: Halts tasks if resources (e.g. paint) are depleted.
  • Error Prevention: Avoids unnecessary or erroneous actions.

What are two additional functions of the ID card system?

Any two from:

  • PIN Protection: Prevents unauthorised use of ID cards.
  • GPS Tracking: (Optional) Adds GPS to the ID card for real-time location tracking.
  • Privacy Concerns: GPS tracking involves privacy issues.

Give two disadvantages of computer aided learning.

Any two from:

  • Limited Hands-On Experience: Cannot simulate physical lab equipment.
  • High Costs: Expensive and time-consuming to implement.
  • Distractions: Risk of students being sidetracked by non-educational activities.
  • Isolation: May lead to social isolation due to solitary computer use.
  • Limited Guidance: Cannot handle unusual questions; students need teacher assistance.