Convert 1011 (binary) to decimal.
What is 11?
Which gate outputs TRUE only if ALL inputs are TRUE?
What is an AND gate?
What shape represents a decision in a flowchart?
What is a diamond?
What symbol is used at the beginning of a spreadsheet formula?
What is an equals sign (=)?
How many bits are in a byte?
What is 8?
Convert 29 (decimal) to binary.
What is 11101?
What is the output of an OR gate if one input is TRUE and the other is FALSE?
What is TRUE?
What shape represents the start or end of a flowchart?
What is an oval (or circle)?
What function would you use to add a range of cells?
What is SUM()?
What is the name of the popular game where you build with blocks and explore a world?
What is Minecraft?
What is the hexadecimal equivalent of decimal 14?
What is E?
Draw the truth table for a NOT gate.
What is (Input 0, Output 1) and (Input 1, Output 0)?
What is the purpose of a flowchart?
What is to visually represent a process or algorithm?
If cell A1 has 5 and B1 has 10, what is the result of =B1/A1?
What is 2?
What is the name of the game where you collect and battle creatures?
What is Pokémon?
Convert 2B (hexadecimal) to decimal.
What is 43?
What is the output of an AND gate if one input is 0?
What is 0 (or FALSE)?
Draw a flowchart for making toast. (Simplified is okay).
What is (Start) -> (Get bread) -> (Put bread in toaster) -> (Wait for toast) -> (Take out toast) -> (End)?
What function finds the average of a range of cells?
What is AVERAGE()?
How many teeth does an adult human typically have?
What is 32?
What is the hexadecimal value of 150?
What is 9 6?
A circuit has an OR gate connected to a NOT gate. If the OR gate inputs are 0 and 1, what is the final output?
What is 0 (or FALSE)?
What do the arrows in a flowchart represent?
What is the flow of the process or the order of steps?
If A1=2, B1=3, and C1=4, what is the result of =A1*B1+C1?
What is 10?
What was the first product that Nintendo sell before selling video games and consoles?
What is playing cards?