Canvas and Evercourse
Course Development Phases

In Jira these were called tickets, in WF they are called___.

What are tasks?


Issues that arise in either Canvas or Evercourse should be escalated in this slack channel.

What is ld procedures?


We don’t use this document for FFS course maintenance after launch.

What is the course support tracker?


This article can be shared with course authors.

What is all/any of them?


Upon approval of the workbook, this sheet is locked.

What is the MMR sheet/tab?


This is the view that IDs use when sharing the production plan with course authors.

What is the LD faculty view?


These type of new quiz questions are not fully accessible.

What are file upload and hot spot questions?


This FFS level is most similar to Rev Share.

What is the optimized level?


This is the current total number of pieces published on Envision.

What is 100?

After the kickoff call, the ID populates these two documents on the Google drive.

What are the meeting notes template and the workbook template? 


The task where you would log today's ID Weekly meetings.

Where is Functional Weekly Meeting (ID)?


These components should be added from the evercourse menu each time they are used on a page.

What are polls, matching activities, hotspots, and branching scenarios?


This FFS partner does not use Canvas.

Who is Chattanooga College?


If an ID is interested in writing an Envision piece, they should first have a conversation with this leader.

Who is their LD director?


Verbal feedback from an assigned QA specialist will be received at this point in development. 

What is upon completion of prototype module QA?


These two categories of tasks in a production plan can be deleted if not used during a course build.

What are slides/materials build and QA and multimedia?


Failing to do this will result in a stimulus not showing for students. 

What is not attatching at least one question to the stimulus?


This document is used when handing off the course for Enhanced and Optimized developments but not Aligned.

What is the course development project summary document?


These are the four current formats for Envision pieces.

What are best practices guides, blogs, guides, and white papers?


This is the maximum number of CA meetings it should take to complete Phase 2 of course development.

What is 6? By the end of the 6th meeting, the ID and faculty should feel comfortable moving forward with the development of a prototype module.


This is what triggers a notification to the QA specialist that a module is ready for QA.

What is marking that module's primary ID build as complete?


These steps should be taken when editing a rubric that is linked to multiple assignments.

What are unlinking the rubric from all but one of the assignments, editing the rubric, re-linking the rubric, and marking it for grading?


In addition to course development, FFS offerings include these services. 

What is program alignment, faculty support, and technical training?


This is the remaining number of personal blogs that the team would like to develop this year.

What is 7?


This is the last stage in new course development for OPM(rev share). 

What is the course retrospective?