What is the IDEAS traditional game?
MONSTER (who gets it wrong = minus x2)
Name an event IDEAS participated in last year?
Ghim Moh, Live On, On-the-spot watercolour, Sustainable Kids Market, Peace of Art
Who is your assistant events manager?
Natalie Kwok!
What day do we have CCA?
Friday… duh…
What does IDEAS stand for?
Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, Art for Society
What do we wear every CCA session?
IDEAS t-shirt! Bonus points for a catwalk!
What was the theme of last year’s camp?
Name everyone in your group (WITHOUT DISCUSSION)
hi :)
What competition do we participate in every year?
Live On
What are you supposed to do if you cannot make it for CCA?
Email both teachers and Kirthi with your reason and MC if you have
What do we call our yearly fundraiser?
Ebox flash sale
What is Mr Alan’s favourite app for phototaking?
Mei tu
Who taught you needle felting last year?
When is our IDEAS camp?
Week 9 Saturday!
Which CCA’s noticeboard is next to ours?
Girl Guides
What do we do whenever it’s someone’s birthday?
Birthday card! (Sorry if sometimes we give them out late… we still love you very much)
Name the drink ms loy always makes for us
How many people are named Natalie in IDEAS?
Name any 3 workshops IDEAS has participated in
Wire jewellery
Needle felting
WatercolorScreen printing
Jellyfish lamp
What’s the name of our insta handle?
What is our CCA motto?
Value all creation!
(Hahahahahhaha I bet y’all got this wrong)
Who dropped their Apple Pencil in the drain one fateful CCA day, and who being a very brave girl, decided to fish the pencil out of the longkang?
Alyssa Foo dropped the pencil
Nicolette saved the pencil
Camelia had a heart attack
Which senior that has unfortunately already left, had a hard time deciding between taking Art and Literature?
Where did IDEAS go for our LJ last year?
Singapore Art Museum (SAM)
Approximately, how long did we get stuck in the cargo lift at SAM?
According to Joie’s video, 3 min 49s, but it probably started a bit earlier so lets say like 5-6 minutes…