
I am a veggie that has bright green leaves. My leaves can be torn or cut and used raw or I can be cooked in all sorts of dishes? What am I?

(Hint: Popeye loves me)

What is spinach


You might think I am a veggie but I am actually a fruit. You see me everywhere in sauces, ketchup, and more. I am round shaped and plump and either sold in packaging or by the stem. What am I?

What is tomato?


Who doesn't love this veggie? People use it in all sorts of recipes! You can boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew and everyone loves them. We are brown veggies that range from round to thin. What am I?

What is potato? 


We are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. We are round and the best known citrus fruit. We produce great juice that is full of a lot of nutrients and especially vitamin C! What am I?

What are oranges?


We are a dark blue and round fruit. We are very tiny but delicious! We are a super-food because of all the antioxidants we have. What am I?

What are blueberries?


A lot of kids hate me but I am the king of green veggies especially with the crown of green buds that I have along with lots of vitamins and nutrients 

What is broccoli


I am a fruit that has a seed surrounded by red flesh with a green stem. This is one of the most popular fruits out there and you can always find me in the supermarket. What am I?

What are strawberries?


This is a veggie that is made up a bunch of tiny stems. We come in white and purple. We are also a great source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. What am I?

What is cauliflower?


This is a plant that can fit in all sorts of categories. Some consider to be a fruit, others a veggie. You can pop it, boil it, bake it and more. It's a classic yellow food! What am I?

What is corn?


We look a lot like raspberries but blue. We are succulent and juicy berries with a tart flavor. What am I?

What are blackberries?


I am a long spear like vegetable that comes in a variety of different colors (green, white, and purple). Like broccoli, I also have a crown! I have a lot of fiber and vitamin C. What am I?

What is asparagus?


I am just one colored fruit part of a large family. My specific fruit has all sorts of names, shapes, and colors. I grow on trees and I am found year round. However, maybe Snow White should avoid eating me. What am I?

What are red apples


A classic staple in all cooking recipes. This veggie boosts the flavor of every recipe when added. It has a lot of nutrients, boosts the immune system, and fights off harmful bacteria. We are bulb-shaped and white and often are paired with onions when cooking. What am I?

What is garlic?


You see me all the time during Halloween! I can be tiny or very large. I come in different colors from white to the classic orange. A large stem often protrudes from the top. What am I? 

What is pumpkin?


We are bell-shaped with a slightly wrinkled, leathery skin. We come in all colors like brown, purple, and green. We are one of the sweetest fruits out there. What am I?

What are figs?


Bienvenido! I am a fruit that originated from Mexico and Central America. I am typically oval shaped with a pit inside me. I can be used in a lot of different ways such as guacamole. What am I? 

What is avocado?


I am one of the best summer fruits and one of the largest! Some of us are striped with dark green markings but our flesh can vary from red to yellow with dark seeds inside. What am I?

What are watermelons?


We are round and come in different colors such as white, brown, yellow or red. We are also a staple in all cooking recipes. We have a strong smell but great flavor though you might cry if you cut into us. What am I?

What are onions?


We are a smooth-skinned fruit with a deliciously sweet flavor. We originated in India but can found now in tropical places worldwide. We are plump, kidney-shaped with an orange inside. What am I?

What are mangoes?


I am a long, purple tear-drop shaped veggie with a green stem. We are a staple for vegetarians and seen in a lot of famous dishes like moussaka and ratatouille. What am I?

What are eggplants?


I grow on a climbing plant that produces pods that have seeds. We are sold in a pod and either eaten whole or we are removed from the pod. You expect us to have a lot of protein. What am I?

What are peas?


We are a red fruit, similar to strawberries. However, we are a tinier version with red skin shaped into a cluster around a small stem. We are also an excellent source of Vitamin C! What am I?

What are raspberries?


You can say we're a fungi (wink wink)! We have a umbrella-like head. Our underside has soft gills which come from the center. We come in a variety of colors from white to brown. What am I?

What are mushrooms?


I am a sour yellow fruit but I add a lot of flavor to your food and beverages. We have serious health benefits and loaded with vitamin n C. We are related to oranges and mandarins. What am I?

What are lemons?


I have a sweet taste and leave you with rosy lips when you eat me. What am I?

What are beets?