A feeling of joy and laughter
What is happiness.
You have more than one feeling at a time.
What is True?
When someone is crying and hunched over.
what is sadness.
In through your nose, out through your mouth
what is deep breathing.
Adam cries when he falls down and scrapes his knee.
What is sadness.
You see someone who is crying, who looks really down, and is not smiling at all. What feeling do you think they are experiencing?
What is sadness
What is True?
When someone trips and falls and people ridicule or make fun of them.
what is embarrassed.
Using your words to describe your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust.
what is talk it out?
Eric punches the wall when his weekend plans get changed last minute.
What is anger.
The feeling of being very irritated or annoyed.
What is anger
Ignoring your feelings makes them go away.
What is false?
When someone is showing no interest and their head is down, and they are yawning in your face.
What is bored.
Writing down thoughts and feelings about what you experience.
what is journaling
Kyle tells his dad that it scares him when his brother gets angry.
What is fear
A feeling of worry and concern
What is nervousness
Feelings are either good or bad.
What is false.
When someone is laughing and smiling at someone else being funny.
What is amused.
Sitting quietly with your eyes closed, maintaining attention on the present moment and letting thoughts pass freely.
what is meditation
Carrie asks her dad to go to her room so she can calm down before they discuss her failing Math grade.
What is Overwhelm
A feeling of pride, sure of oneself and abilities
What is confidence.
There are four kinds of feelings: happy, sad, angry, and excited.
What is false?
When a person is grabbing a part of their body and seems in pain.
What is hurt.
Leaving conflict to gather thoughts, change your feelings, and control your behaviors.
What is walking away from the trigger?
David gives his girlfriend a surprise gift that he know's she'll love.