How do you think Flounder feels during this scene? How do you know?
Scared, Frightened, Terrified
Would could Gru have done better to help the little girl in this clip?
Empathized with her about how important the unicorn was
What should Cinderellas step sisters consequence have been in this clip?
Not allowed to go to the ball, buy her a new dress
How do you think Bambi feels in the clip from 2:30 minutes in?
Worried, Confused, Sad
What could've Fred done better to avoid being punched by Scooby in this clip?
Calmly explain to him why he had to be quiet, ask him what was wrong
What should Scar's consequence have been for hurting Mufasa in this clip?
Banned from pride rock, not being spoken to or punished
How does Little Foot feel in the beginning of this clip?
Sad, Hopeless, Devastated
What did Patrick do well in this clip?
Asked SpongeBob if he really meant what he heard from Squidwards bubble
What should the consequence have been for the people making fun of Dumbo in this clip?
The people should have been asked to leave, banned from the circus
Hopeful, Optimistic, Happy
No, he was provoking and bullying Eduardo
What should the consequence have been for the people who disrespected the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
They should have been asked to leave, been arrested for hurting him
Angry, Annoyed, Frustrated
Get Minnie's attention
What should have the grasshoppers consequence been for scaring Dot in this clip?
Banned from returning, everyone supporting Dot and fighting the grasshopper