What are the top 5 characteristics of Healthy Relationships?
Trust, respect, communication, equality, loyalty
The relationship is enjoyable for both partners. partners laugh and have fun.
Humor -healthy relationship.
One partner feels that he/she "can't live without" the other. He/she may threaten to do something drastic if the relationship ends.
Dependence- Unhealthy Relationships
Partners feel physically safe in the relationship and respect each other's space.
Physical Safety-Healthy Relationship
Your partner says you don't really love them because you want to go to a movie with a friend instead of spending time alone with them.
Unhealthy Relationships
You trust your partner.
Healthy Relationship
Partners never force sexual activity or insist on doing something the other isn't comfortable with.
Sexual respectfulness- Healthy Relationships
One partner tries to control every aspect of the other's life. One partner may attempt to keep his or her partner from friends and family or threaten violence or a break-up.
Intimidation-Unhealthy Relationships
Partners share decisions and responsibilities. They discuss roles to make sure they are fair and equal.
Equality-healthy relationships
Your partner uses a name or pronoun that you don't like but stops using it once you correct the or ask them not to.
Healthy Relationship.
One partner makes all the decisions and tells the other what to do, or tells the other person what to wear or who to spend time with.
Control is the term and identifies under
Unhealthy Relationship
Neither partner is dependent upon the other for an identify. Partners maintain friendships outside of the relationship. Either partner has the right to end the relationship.
Independence -Healthy relationships
Partners feel safe with each other and respect each other's differences. They realize when they're wrong and are not afraid to say, "I'm sorry." Partners can "be themselves" with each other.
Comfort-Healthy Relationships
Partners share their dreams, fears, and concerns with each other. They tell each other how they feel and share important information.
Honesty-Healthy Relationships
You miss your partner when you go on vacation with your family but you have a really good time anyway.
Healthy Relationship.
One partner lies to or keeps information from the other. One partner steals from the other.
Dishonesty identified as unhealthy relationship.
One partner makes fun of the opinions and interests of the other partner. He or she may destroy something that belongs to the other partner.
Disrespect-Unhealthy Relationships.
One partner pressures or forces the other into sexual activity against his/her will or without his/her consent.
Sexual Abuse- Unhealthy Relationship.
Your partner tells you how special you are and how much they care about you.
Healthy Relationship
You and your partner feel like you can share things with each other, but you also feel like you can keep some things private.
Healthy Relationship.
One partner uses force to get his/her way (for example, hitting, slapping, grabbing, shoving).
Physical abuse is
Unhealthy Relationship.
One partner may "Walk on eggshells to avoid upsetting the other. Teasing Is mean-spirited.
Hostility-unhealthy relationships.
Partners treat each other like like they want to be treated and accept each other's opinions, friends, and interests. They listen to each other.
Respect-Healthy Relationships.
If you have a disagreement your partner uses the silent treatment and won't talk to you for days.
Your partner texts you more than you want them to and gets angry if you don't respond
Unhealthy Relationship