This is a _______________.
What is a Great White shark?
What is a Blue Crab?
What aia Killer whale or Orca?
What is a frilled shark?
This fish's eyes migrate to the top of its body.
What is a flounder?
What is a Mantis shrimp?
What is an Elephant seal ?
What is a hagfish?
This fish loves to follow shiny objects in the water.
What is a Great Barracuda?
What is a Giant Spider Crab?
What is a Narwhal?
What is an Atlantic wolfish?
Although it can't fly this fish's name would lead you to think it could.
What is a Queen angelfish?
What is a Hermit crab?
What is the Common Bottlenose dolphin?
What is a red vampire squid?
This is a fish you shouldn't challenge to a duel.
What is a swordfish?
What is a Ghost crab?
What is a Monk seal?
What is a barreleye fish?