The first step of the scientific method.
What is the act of carefully watching and recording events or changes during an experiment to gather data
A scientist wants to test the effect of different amounts of sunlight on plant growth. She takes two groups of the same type of plants. One group is placed in full sunlight for 8 hours a day, and the other group is kept in a shaded area with only 2 hours of sunlight per day. Both groups are given the same amount of water and nutrients.
What do we call the group of plants that is kept in the shaded area with only 2 hours of sunlight per day?"
control group
A scientist wants to test the effect of different amounts of sunlight on plant growth. She takes two groups of the same type of plants. One group is placed in full sunlight for 8 hours a day, and the other group is kept in a shaded area with only 2 hours of sunlight per day. Both groups are given the same amount of water and nutrients.
"In this experiment, what do we call the group of plants that is kept in full sunlight for 8 hours a day?
experimental group
"What is a factor in an experiment that remains unchanged throughout to ensure reliable results?
In order for a experiment to be valid and develop creditable data this 2 things are needed needed.
What is a control and experimental group
What is the summary of an experiment that explains the results and determines whether the hypothesis was supported or not?
What is a conclusion