main definitions
character based
story based
end perspective
beginning perspective
The word defined as the set of personal and behavioral characteristics which define an individual as a member of a certain group. Based on race, ethnicity, religion, language and culture people distinguish themselves from other groups and form their understanding and pride in who they are.
what is identity
what a character has to face both inside and throughout a story
What is external and internal conflict
what was used to describe the identity of the story "hills like white elephants"
What is landscapes
perspective of coach at the end of the movie a million dollar baby
What is "family" love/ sadness felt for maggie
couches perspective at the beginning of a million dollar baby
What is reluctance to train females and protecting his fighter no matter what
the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic
What is theme
the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing
What is diction
one element in the narrative structure of a piece of literature that can also be referred to as atmosphere because it creates an emotional setting enveloping the reader
What is mood
maggies perspective at the end of a million dollar baby
What is wishing to die or be set free
Maggies begging perspective in a million dollar baby
What is persistence to fight and be trained by the coach
when a character changes its personality or way of thought throughout the story
What is evolution
the person that apposes the hero
What is an antagonist
They're lovely hills," she said. 'they don't really look like white elephants. i just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees."
What is hills like white elephants
american mans perspective at the end of "hills like white elephants"
What is wanting an abortion for his mistress and child
the Americans perspective at the beginning of "hills like white elephants"
What is wating an abortion for his mistress and his child
the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
What is symbolism
the hero himself
What is a protagonist
the mood of hills like white elephants
What is sadness/ downtrodden
the Americans mistress's perspective at the end of "hills like white elephants"
What is giving in to the american and most likely getting an abortion
the Americans mistress's perspective at the beginning of "hills like white elephants"
What is disobeying the Americans wishes for an abortion and wanting to keep the baby
a literary compound of composition, which shows the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work
what is tone
the rising and falling action of maggie
What is being a successful boxer and losing it all to the bear.
the tone does million dollar baby give of at the end
What is sadness and lose
sheriffs perspective at the end of "trifles"
What is no longer being chauvinistic
Sheriffs perspective at the beginning of "trifles"
What is chauvinism