It means the person is very sad.
My mom said hold your tongue when I said something mean about my sister.
To stop saying that or stop talking
I looked at the price tag of the new bag in the store and exclaimed what a rip off!
The bag is too expensive.
The storm came through and it was raining cats and dogs outside!
It was raining really hard.
When Jessica took the math test, she said that was piece of cake!
The math test was really easy.
I am feeling blue today after my dog ran away.
Feeling very sad.
When Paul started talking it didn't come out quite right. He said I have a frog in my throat!
The salesman talked a lot of mumbo jumbo when trying to sell something to the home owner.
Talking about something that doesn't make sense.
Joe asked Stacy to the dance and she said I'll go with you when pigs fly!
She will never go with him to the dance.
I haven't eaten in so long I could eat a horse!
The person is very hungry!
Sally got a slap on a wrist for stealing her sisters money.
Not a very harsh punishment.
The boss said lets call it day to his workers at 5pm.
Its time to quit working for the day.
The classroom was a hive of activity when the students were learning about different countries.
The students were very busy doing their work.
I am cool as a cucumber when walking into the haunted house!
I am very calm and not scared!
The student said I am all ears when the teacher began to explain the math lesson.
The students are listening.
Its means he is in trouble.
I will be gentle, I won't hurt a fly!
You will be very careful.
The teacher said, All eyes on me!
She means for the students to look at her.
Oh Joe, you crack me up with your jokes!
It means that Joe is very funny.
Jessica is a night owl and then she is tired in the morning.
She likes to stay up late.