Nuts about you... really means?
He likes a person a lot.
Bit off more than he could chew...really means?
He tried to do more than he could do.
Down in the dumps.....really means?
The person is really sad.
Don't let the cat out of the bag....really means?
Don't tell the secret
Hitting the books...really means?
To study really hard for a test
A green thumb.....really means?
She is very good with plans.
Pulling my leg...really means?
She is teasing or lying to me.
Head in the clouds....really means?
He is daydreaming
Don't throw in the towel...really means?
Don't quit, keeping going
Raining cats and dogs...really means?
It is raining really hard
Stay on your toes...really means?
Pay close attention.
Got up on the wrong side of the bed....really means?
He is grumpy
Hold your horses...really means?
Wait or stop
Walking on air...really means?
I am very happy
Catching some Z's....really means?
You are sleeping
Butterflies in her stomach... really means?
She is very nervous.
Sleep on it....really means?
I would like to think about it before I give you an answer.
Heart of gold...really means?
The person is really nice and caring
Blowing his horn...really means?
Bragging about yourself
All ears....really means?
I am ready to listen to you
Couch potato.... really means?
He is lazy.
All tied up....really means?
I am busy
Zip your lip...really means?
Stop talking or be quiet
Put your foot in your mouth....really means?
Saying something embarrassing or inappropriate.
In hot water...really means?
You are in trouble
Dirt cheap...really means
inexpensive, didn't pay much money
On top of the world...really means
Very happy, everything is going your way
Give the cold shoulder....really means
Ignoring someone or not speaking to a person
In the dog house....really means
You are in trouble
Break a leg....really means?
Good luck