To be a chicken.
To be scared.
to be eye candy
to be very attractive
to feel blue
to be sad
Beyond your wildest dreams
in a way you had never imagined before
behind closed doors
To be like a fish out of water
To be really uncomfortable
food for thought
something to think about or consider
out of the blue
dream come true
something you've always wanted
blessing in disguise
when a misfortune has unexpected benefits
cat got your tongue
to be at a loss for words
spill the beans
tell something revealing that was supposed to be a secret
red flag
dream on
it is unlikely to happen
case in point
to drink like a fish
to drink a lot
walk on eggshells
be careful around someone who is temperamental
(caught) red-handed
discovered in the act or just after the act of doing something wrong or illegal
pipe dream
a goal that is impossible to accomplish
bite me
an expression of anger, aggravation, or discontent
to have a frog in one's throat
to have a dry scratchy throat
have egg on one's face
to be embarrassed by something one has done
show your true colors
reveal yourself as you really are
broken dreams
dreams deferred
pass the buck
to blame others for something you should accept responsibility for