Hotter than blue blazes
What is very hot?
Till the cows come home
What is something that will take a long time?
No bigger than a minnow in a fishing pond
What is very small?
What is pleased, or happy?
Party pooper
What is someone who ruins the good time?
To have a hankering for
What is to be hungry for/to be in the mood for?
Over yonder
As all get out
What is as much as possible?
Bare bones
Worn slap out
Carry me to...
What is, "Take me to..." (usually in a car or other vehicle)
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
What is, "You can't make something valuable out of something that wasn't worth anything to begin with"?
"and Bob's your uncle!"
What is tadaa, or there you have it?
Hold the phone
What is, "Just wait" (Used when something surprising is about to be said or just happened)?
Tore up
What is upset?
If the creek don't rise
What is, "Unless something out of our control happens"?
What is very? (an adverb of degree)
Like pulling teeth
What is very difficult or excruciating?
If I had my druthers
What is "If I had it my way"? (Druthers is roughly a contraction of "I'd rather")
A month of Sundays
What is paltry, or very little?
What is very full or packed?
Long in the tooth