in a fog
green thumb
a good gardener
in the driver's seat
in control of the situation
in your mind's eye
in your imagination
house of cards
something easily ruined
clear the air
have an honest discussion that removes misundertandings
force your hand
make you act or do something
in the same boat
in the same situation
got off on the wrong foot
got off to a bad start
woke up with a bad attitude or in a bad mood
break the ice
get things started
left a bad taste in your mouth
gave a bad impression
let the air out of the tires
stopped your plans from happening
gets under your skin
bothers you
at the end of your rope
out of energy or patience
stealing your thunder
someone else taking credit for your hard work
get your feet wet
try something for the first time
runs a tight ship
is strict
didn't have a leg to stand on
had no evidence or facts to support your statements
throw in the towel
quit or give up
out in the cold
left out
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
one bad thing can make another happen; revenge or punishment
on the bandwagon
a supporter of something
looked down your nose at something
thought it was worthless
grasping at straws
tried and tried without succeeding