What does the idiom "better late than never" mean?
It is better to do something after it was supposed to have been done than not to do it at all.
What does the idiom "cold feet" mean?
to be too fearful to undertake or complete an action.
What does the idiom "in hot water" mean?
in big trouble
What does the idiom "you can't judge a book by it's cover" mean?
you shouldn't judge someone or something based only on what you see on the outside or only on what you perceive without knowing the full situation.
What does the idiom "practice what you preach" mean?
behave in the way that you encourage other people to behave in
What does it mean to get up on the wrong side of the bed?
To feel irritable; to be in a bad mood; to have a bad day from the start, for no particular reason.
What does "turn over a new leaf" mean?
to start over, to act in a different manner or change your attitude about something.
to start over.
What does "don't cry over spilled milk" mean?
there's no use in worrying over past events which cannot be changed
What does "easier said than done" mean?
said of a task that is easier to talk about than to do
What does "eaten out of house and home" mean?
To consume a great deal of someone's food
What does it mean to "get a taste of your own medicine" ?
sampling the same unpleasantness they've been dishing out to others.
What does it mean to "keep your fingers crossed"?
To hope that nothing will happen to bring bad luck or to ruin one's plans
What does "two heads are better than one" mean?
it's helpful to have the advice or opinion of a second person.
What does "where there's a will there's a way" mean?
if someone really wants to do something, they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do
Helen will soon find out whether she got into her dream college; in the meantime, she is keeping her fingers crossed.
What does this mean?
To hope that nothing will happen to bring bad luck or to ruin one's plans
Mrs. Baker complained that her three teenagers were eating her out of house and home.
What does this mean?
To consume a great deal of someone's food
Max has no idea of how to get the money to repair his boat, but where there's a will, there's a way.
What does this mean?
if someone really wants to do something, they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do
"I know you didn't mean to break my phone, so there's no use in crying over spilled milk."
What does this mean?
the phrase means that there's no point to being upset over something that has already happened and cannot be changed
"It looks like my plans to kill the weeds in the garden failed. Back to the drawing board."
What does this mean?
Time to start over ; come up with a new idea