Under the weather
All bark and no bite
all talk, no action
feel blue
get cold feet
cost an arm and a leg
extremely expensive
Raining cats and dogs
raining very heavily
a little bird told me
I heard something
green with envy
lose your cool
get very mad
bite the bullet
accept the inevitable
break the ice
start to know a new person with conversation
the elephant in the room
the obvious thing nobody is talking about
green thumb
can grow plants or flowers easily
as cool as a cucumber
very calm
call it a day
Let's go!
calm before the storm
short period of time of peace / tranquility before it gets busy
hold your horses
wait, slow down
white lie
a little lie
to be in hot water
to be in trouble with someone
hit the sack
go to sleep
on cloud nine
very very happy or excited
open a can of worms
create problems or reveal a difficult situation
with flying colors
sell like hot cakes
to sell quickly
bite the hand that feeds you
hurt the person who is helping you