Pick an Idiom

Jane was already angry with her sister for borrowing her favorite sweater and losing it. Now her sister was also using her makeup without asking. Her sister was just adding fuel to the fire.

a) Jane's sister was pouring gasoline on a campfire.

b) Jane's sister was making a bad situation worse. 

c) Jane's sister doesn't care.  

b) Jane's sister was making a bad situation worse. 

Bonus point: give an example of a situation of "adding fuel to the fire."


Sasha was failing her math class. The day before grades were sent home, Sasha told her math teacher that she loved her hair and outfit. Sasha thought to herself, "that should butter her up." 

a) Sasha thought she could flatter the teacher to get what she wanted (a better grade)

b) Sasha spread butter on her teacher. 

c) Sasha brought her teacher a stick of butter. 

a) Sasha thought she could flatter the teacher to get what she wanted (a better grade) 

Bonus: What could you say to "butter someone up?" 


We need some new blood on our baseball team if we are ever going to win. 

a) a pint of blood

b) a new team member 

c) a blood drive

b) a new team member 


I told my brothers to stop the monkey business and get back to work, or they might be fired.

a) fooling around, not being serious

b) selling monkeys

c) monkeys are in charge of the business

a) fooling around, not being serious

Bonus: What is an example of monkey business? 


When I was talking to my friend on the phone, I forgot the name of the restaurant my family had eaten at last weekend. It was my favorite place to eat and we go there a lot. I know I'll think of it soon because it's...

a) a shot in the dark

b) on the tip of my tongue

c) a chip off the old block

b) on the tip of my tongue 

Bonus: Give an example of a similar situation-


Shelly and her friends were talking about the latest Tik Toks that feature family and relationship drama. Disgustedly, Shelly said "I am sick of people who air their dirty laundry in public!" 

a) Shelly thinks that people should not share their personal, private problems publicly.

b) Shelly thinks people should only hang clean clothes out to dry.

c) Shelly likes going to the laundromat. 

a) Shelly thinks that people should not share their personal, private problems publicly. 

Bonus: What could someone share that would be "airing their dirty laundry"?


Tony usually tastes his mom's cooking before it is done. Tony lies and tells his mom that he does not do this. One day, Tony's mom walked into the kitchen and caught him red-handed as he was scooping food into his mouth. 

a) Tony's hands were red.

b) Tony was wearing red. 

c) Tony was caught doing something wrong (sneaking a taste of his mother's cooking).

c) Tony was caught doing something wrong (sneaking a taste of his mother's cooking).

Bonus: Give an example of a time where you were caught red-handed.

We may need to cut corners on this project if we are going to stay in our budget. 

a) make thrifty decisions/choose cheap material to save money

b) cut the corners off the piece of paper 

c) cut shapes into the project

a) make thrifty decisions/choose cheap material to save money 


I like coaching the football team, but I have to work hard to keep the silly players in line. 

a) standing in a straight line facing the front

b) have the players behave, take the game seriously, and follow the rules 

c) keep everyone in 1 line during the game on the sideline

b) have the players behave, take the game seriously, and follow the rules 


Tanya was being unrealistic. She thought she could just walk into the school and the store owner would give her donations for her girl scout troop. She wouldn't listen to us, so we told her to try. After she failed, she had to...

a) come down to earth

b) cry over spilled milk 

c) do a double take 

a) come down to earth 

Bonus: Give an example of a similar situation-


Sarah drove her friends to school, but she was sick of other people telling her how to drive. She said to one of her friends, "Stop being a backseat driver." 

a) Sarah hated driving.

b) Sarah didn't want anyone telling her how to drive.

c) Sarah's car had a steering wheel in the backseat that she didn't want her friend to use. 

b) Sarah didn't want anyone telling her how to drive. 

Bonus: What would a "backseat driver" be saying to the driver? 

Tommy went out with his friends and was out past curfew for the 5th weekend in a row. Tommy's dad warned him to not miss curfew again, or he would be very mad. When Tommy got home at 1 in the morning, Tommy's dad hit the roof.

a) Tommy's dad put a hole in the roof with a hammer. 

b) Tommy's dad was very angry. 

c) Tommy's dad smacked the roof with his hand. 

b) Tommy's dad was very angry.

Bonus: Tell me about a situation that has made you hit the roof. 


He had to lift weights and beef up to win the wrestling tournament. 

a) eat a lot of beef

b) get cows on his farm 

c) add muscle and weight to become stronger

c) add muscle and weight to become stronger


I'll be leaving the office in a few minutes. I just have to take care of some loose ends before I leave for the day. 

a) tie some ribbons together to make bows 

b) take care of the final details/tidy up 

c) tighten any loose screws

b) take care of the final details/tidy up 


Shane had a really old car. It barely started each morning. The breaks were so squeaky that you could hear them down the street. Shane's car is...

a) an accident waiting to happen

b) on the up and up

c) on easy street

a) an accident waiting to happen

Bonus: Give an example of a similar situation- 


Jeff was excited about his new cellphone. It was everything he wanted: a brand new camera, all the latest apps, and the best 5g network. He said "my new phone has all the bells and whistles!"

a) Jeff's phone sounds like a train. 

b) Jeff's phone is really loud.

c) Jeff's phone has all the latest/newest technology.

c) Jeff's phone has all the latest/newest technology. 

Bonus: What today is an example of a piece of technology that has "all the bells and whistles?"


James's mom needed to run a few errands, so she asked James to watch his younger sister and brother until she got back. James said "Sure mom, I'll hold down the fort." 

a) James will take care of the house and his siblings in his mother's absence. 

b) James will take the children to a fort. 

c) James will make a fort for the children to play in. 

a) James will take care of the house and his siblings in his mother's absence. 


We had to iron out our differences before we signed the contract. 

a) agree on the details/figure out the details

b) iron our clothes to get the wrinkles out 

c) iron our clothes outside in the fresh air 

a) agree on the details/figure out the details

I'm tired of the sob story you keep giving me about your homework. I know you were just too lazy to finish it. 

a) trying to get sympathy for a problem that isn't as bad as it seems

b) crying while reading a story

c) a really sad book

a) trying to get sympathy for a problem that isn't as bad as it seems

Bonus: Have you ever given someone a sob story to avoid getting in trouble for something? 


Bill mentioned the unpleasant and controversial topic of religion. Not wanting to have an uncomfortable conversation, Bill's friend said to him, "Please don't start with that topic, you will just ....

a) open a can of worms 

b) lie through your teeth

c) beat around the bush

a) open a can of worms 

Bonus: What other topics might "open a can of worms?"


Everyone in Mike's family either has a high-paying job or is in college except for Jenna. Jenna dropped out of high school and is unemployed. Jenna is definitely the black sheep of the family.

a) Jenna got a job on a farm raising sheep. 

b) Jenna is very different from the rest of her family.

c) Jenna likes sheep, donkeys, and horses. 

b) Jenna is very different from the rest of her family.


Dan was tired of all the rumors about his friend being a mean person because he knew it wasn't true. Dan decided he would tell everyone the truth and defend his friend. Dan said "Next time someone spreads a lie about you, I am going to bat for you." 

a) Dan is going to play baseball. 

b) Dan is going to hit everyone with a bat. 

c) Dan is going to support his friend.

c) Dan is going to support his friend. 

Bonus: Tell me about a time where you had to go to bat for yourself or someone else. 


We all had to chip in for her birthday present so we could get her a nicer gift. 

a) put a crack into her gift 

b) help pay and combine money 

c) bring chips to the party

b) help pay and combine money 

I'd like to give you my two cents and tell you what I think about this issue. 

a) pay 2 pennies 

b) give my ideas/my opinions/my point of view 

c) ask for money

b) give my ideas/my opinions/my point of view 


Juan knew that his car looked really bad, but he hoped that his parents would let him explain what happened before they...

a) came up empty handed 

b) jumped to conclusions

c) upset the apple cart

b) jumped to conclusions 

Bonus: Give an example for a similar situation