Under the weather
no pain no gain
you have to work for what you want
spill the beans
give away a secret
up in the air
undecided, uncertain
hit the books
take a rain check
postpone a plan
on the same page
understand each other and agree
all ears
I'm listening
give someone a hand
help someone
let your hair down
relax and enjoy
piece of cake
see eye to eye
call it a day
consider work finished for the day
catch someone red-handed
find someone doing something wrong
when pigs fly
hit the sack
go to sleep
a no brainer
a decision that is very obvious and easy to make
keep someone in the loop
be informed and updated
on cloud nine
extremely happy
to have a lot on your plate
to have a lot to do/ be very busy
costs an arm and a leg
very expensive
burn bridges
destroy relationships
have a sweet tooth
love eating sweet things
once in a blue moon
burn the midnight oil
work late