"I felt like a fish out of water on my first day of ballet".
To feel uncomfortable in a new place or situation
"She walked into the job interview cool as a cucumber, not showing any signs of nervousness.".
To be calm
"It's time you came down off your high horse and admitted you were wrong"
"I know it seems bad, but we can weather this storm together"
Surviving a bad situation
It had been a difficult week, so when the car broke down, it was the last straw".
My patience has run out
To forget
"My sister and I do not always see eye to eye, we fight a lot"
To agree
"It cost an arm and a leg to fix my car from all the damages"
It is expensive
"Hold your horses, guys! Let's take a minute to think about this"
Wait a moment
"You can't cut corners with this project"
To do something badly to save time
"Most people pig out at their Thanksgiving dinner".
To eat a lot
"She was a tough cookie when she broke her leg, she barely cried"
Someone who is strong
"Scary movies are not my cup of tea".
Not something you enjoy
"That quiz was a piece of cake, I don't think I got anything wrong!"
Something is very easy
"You hit the nail on the head choosing this wall color. I love it."
To get something right
"He was one smart cookie, getting an A on his math test"
Intelligent person
"I was a total couch potato this weekend, all I did was sit on my couch"
Spending a lot of time sitting and watching TV
"Just tell me the bad news instead of beating around the bush"
To avoid saying something
"Those girls are two peas in a pod"
To do everything together
"Disney World during Christmas break had everyone packed like sardines"
Very crowded