Piece of cake
Easy does it
To be careful
Better late than never
Better to arrive late than not arriving at all
to leave somewhere quickly.
Hold your horses
Calm down
Break a leg
Good luck
Best of both worlds
All the good without the bad
Pulling someone's leg
Making a joke with someone
Digging It
really like something
Couch potato
A lazy person
It's not rocket science
It isn't that hard
Long story short
To summarize a large structure of text
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it
To not discuss something utill its urgency matures
Wig chop
To require a haircut
Elephant in the room
A huge and obvious problem that everyone avoids talking about.
Hit the sack/hit the hay
Go to sleep
Beat around the bush
To avoid someone or something by creating new tasks to lengthen the time to get to the task.
Get your act together
Increase the quality of your task fulfillment or terminate your contribution entirely
What's your bag?
What is your problem?
Everything but the kitchen sink
Almost everything imaginable.
Bite the bullet
To get a painful yet unavoidable task completed
Cut somebody some slack
To lessen the application of stress on someone
On the ball
Maintaining an ideal performance
Passion pit
Drive-in movie
Pull the wool over someone’s eyes
To decide someone