all bark and no bite
all talk but no action
heart on your sleeve
sensitive, shows emotions easily
caught red handed
caught in the act
piece of cake
run of the mill
common or ordinary
get all of your ducks in a row
get everything in order and ready for the desired outcome
woke up on the wrong side of the bed
grumpy, in a bad mood
jeolous, envy, new at something
riding the gravy train
making a lot of money usually in an easy way
see the light at the end of the tunnel
crocodile tears
large fake tears
full of himself
sad, depressed
low hanging fruit
the easiest
tied the knot
get married
hold your horses
slow down and wait
basket case
nervous, anxious
green thumb
good at growing things
gone belly up
failed completely
until the cows come home
continue with something for a long time
fire in his belly
strong passion
tickled pink
very pleased or excited
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
the child is similiar to the parent
dime a dozen
not valuable