to like sweet foods
to have a sweet tooth
a short sleep, a nap
forty winks
a person who talks too much and does not keep secrets
a big mouth
in trouble
in a pickle
owing money, in debt
in the red
always wanting to know other people's business and what other people are doing
extremely happy
a sad, dissatisfied expression
a long face
something that is very easy to do
a piece of cake
to feel sad
to feel blue
to agree completely
to see eye to eye
the very best
second to none
by memory
by heart
something that is not true but that causes no harm
a white lie
to hurry up, move faster
to shake a leg
to finally understand something, to come to a conclusion about something
to put two and two together
very much in love
head over heels in love
suspicious, not right or honest
jealous of someone else's good fortune
green with envy
to be very expensive
to cost an arm and a leg
no difference, either choice is okay
six of one, half a dozen of the other
to joke, to kid or trick someone
to pull someone's leg
a very small amount of money
very clear and easy to understand
in black and white