People who work with companies to help identify weaknesses in their systems and make corresponding updates.
What is a White Hat Hacker?
To agree
What is to see eye to eye?
A hot bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup is recommended when one is _______________.
What is under the weather?
Hard to organize or complete
What is like herding cats?
When the police walked into the store, they found a criminal stealing money. He plead guilty in court because he had been _______________.
What is caught red-handed?
Excessive bureaucracy or adherence to rules and formalities, especially in public business.
What is Red Tape?
To ask someone else's opionion or advice.
What is to pick someone's brain?
To follow the wrong course of action
What is barking up the wrong tree?
Easy or simple
Searching for my cousin's lost one contact lens during an outdoor festival was like _________________?
What is looking for a needle in a haystack?
Having net losses; in debt
What is in the red?
To say something embarrassing or tactless
A rough estimate
What is ballpark figure?
Someone who can not be trusted or is deceitful
What is a snake in the grass?
With his goal of becoming the richest man in the country, Jim had to figure out the best way to go about acheiving it. He came up with a very interesting __________.
What is game plan?
To believe that a different situation or circumstance is or will be better than one’s current situation.
What is the grass is greener on the other side?
To understand or accept (something) a difficult concept
What is wrap your head around?
To surpress or stop something in it's early stage
What is to nip in the bud?
To act decisively or deal with a difficult situation
What is to take the bull by the horns?
By starting construction on the building before having the financing in place, Henry has _____________.
What is put the cart before the horse?
Not right but not wrong. May be legal, may not be legal.
What is gray area?
Not to plan in advance.
To decide at the moment based on circumstances.
What is play it by ear?
To delay or not make a decision yet.
What is up in the air?
Difficult to organize
What is like herding cats?
We hope that the doctor will have good news about our tests results. So, we are ____________.
What is crossing our fingers?