Feeling blue
Feeling sad or depressed
Save for a rainy day
Set aside money for unexpected expenses or emergency situations
A couch potato
Someone who spends all their time sitting (in front of the TV)
To give someone the green light means...
You are giving them permission to start
Go Dutch
Split the cost of the bill (at a restaurant)
The apple of my eye
Someone you care about deeply
To be "In the red" means...
A penny pincher
Someone who does not spend money easily; overly conscious of not spending
Put all your eggs in one basket
Put all your trust in one thing or one person
What is a "blue-collar worker"?
Someone who does manual labor, often working in a factory
A nest egg
Money you set aside for your retirement
Butter someone up
Say really nice things to someone hoping to get a favor in return
What is "a gray area"?
A situation where there is no clear rule; an issue that requires clarification
To live on a shoestring
To survive day-to-day on very little money
To eat humble pie
To admit making a big mistake