Context Clues
Context Clues

While on vacation across the country, Austin and his family saw their neighbors. Austin's dad said, "Wow, it sure is a small world!"

What did he mean when he said "It sure is a small world."?

Surprised at seeing someone we know in a place far away.


The lady couldn't figure it out. She was perplexed by the problem.



Belinda is CAUTIOUS when she crosses the street. She doesn't want to get hit by a car.

Using context clues, what does 'cautious' mean?



I am big like a mountain. I sleep most of the time. When I do wake up, I erupt like an angry lion. What am I?



Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck and drove off. The sign on his truck said, "Pipe Masters". 

What is his job?

a plumber


The teacher said, "That is enough monkey business, class! It's time to settle down and get to work."

playing around/wasting time


Eddie became agitated when his sister nagged him.

Upset, annoyed


The Sahara Desert has SCORCHING temperatures during the day; however, at night it can be quite chilly.

Using context clues, what does 'scorching' mean?

very hot


I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?



"I hate this stuff," Sophia complained during art class.  "It gets all over everything, and the top always gets clogged so it won't come out."

"You can borrow mine, I have the stick kind."

What are Sophia and Jake talking about?



Sarah and her friend Kristin both love soccer, math, and the color purple. Sometimes, they even wear the same shirt on the same day. Their teacher said, "You are like two peas in a pod!"

They are just alike.


Jimmy didn't expect to win, so he was astonished when he received the award.



Taylor is very loud, but his sister, Allison is RESERVED.

 Using context clues, what does the word 'reserved' mean?

quiet, shy


I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer’s best friend. What am I?

an eraser


They weren't on the hook by the phone and they weren't in her purse.  Mrs. Moore checked the pockets of the jacket she'd wore the day before, but they weren't there either.  She looked at her watch and realized she would be late for work if she didn't leave soon.

What is Mrs. Moore looking for?

Car keys


"Well," Jimmy sighed, "I forgot my homework again. I guess it's time to tell my teacher and face the music."

 To accept responsibility for something bad you have done.


The long race was strenuous. My body was sore and I went to bed right when I got home.

 An action that is difficult; involves a lot of energy or effort


After school, Mike likes to jump rope. After he jumps for an hour, he COLLAPSES in his bed because he is so tired. 

Using context clues, what does the word 'collapses' mean?

to fall down


I am big and square. There are lots of pieces to me. I hold more information than you can imagine, but I cannot function without a little help. People like to push my buttons, which really gets me fired up. What am I?



The room was a mess! Pots and pans were piled in the sink. Drawers and cabinets were flung open. Chocolate chips dotted the floor and empty cartons were on a sticky counter, but the smell was delicious.

Why was the room a mess?

Someone made cookies


I didn't study much for my math test, but I passed by the skin of my teeth.

You barely passed. You almost failed.


Kristina was so eager to for the first day of 9th grade that she picked out her entire outfit the night before school started. 

What does 'eager' mean?

Ready to begin; excited to do


Carlos GRINNED at his new puppy. The puppy was so happy all the time. He always made Carlos smile. Carlos could never be mad at him. He even named the puppy Happy. 

Using context clues, what does it mean if a person 'grinned'?



I am a cylinder. I am known to be empty or filled to the brim. I can be an organizer’s best friend. I can get stinky when I’m full. What am I?

trash can


Ben put a big spoonful of chili into his mouth. His mom reached out to stop him, but it was too late. Ben let out a scream, spit out the chili, and reached for a glass of water. 

From this passage, you can infer that the chili was?

It was very hot.