You finish a task before time is up.
What is "Beating the Clock?"
Hurt someone's feelings.
What is "Breaking my Heart?"
Most precious person in your life.
What is you're the "Apple of my Eye?"
Something very expensive.
What is "Cost an Arm and a Leg?"
Used to describe very heavy rains.
What is "Raining Cats and Dogs?"
Your doing something meaningless because you don't have any deadlines or appointments.
What is "Killing Time?"
When you're sad or depressed.
Something very easy to do.
When someone wants your opinion on a matter.
What is "Picking Your Brain?"
When someone criticizes you or others for not doing something serious or meaningful.
What is "Monkey Business?"
When you wish for things in the past.
What is "Turning Back Time?"
When you need to have a serious conversation.
What is a "Heart to Heart" conversation?
Close friends
What is "Two Peas in a Pod?"
Don't speak.
What is "Hold Your Tongue?"
Used to describe someone doing something they do poorly.
What is a "Fish Out of Water?"
When time seems to be moving too fast.
What is "Time Flies?"
When you have fully committed something to memory.
What is "Know it by Heart?
A warning not to put all your money or resources into one thing or area.
What is "Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket?"
When someone wishes you success on a matter.
When your nervous.
What is having "Butterflies in Your Stomach?"
Something that doesn't happen very often.
What is "Once in a Blue Moon?"
What is "In a Heartbeat?"
When you think you can eat more than you can.
What is your "Eyes are Bigger than Your Stomach?"
Sausages and pancakes.
What is "Pig's in a Blanket?"