What does "ants in your pants" mean?
Extremely restless; can't sit still.
What does "shake a leg" mean?
To hurry up; to speed up.
What does "tickled pink" mean?
Delighted; very happy.
What does "hit the books" mean?
To study very hard.
What does "rub the wrong way" mean?
To annoy or irritate someone.
What does "bug off" mean?
To go away and leave someone alone.
What does "cost an arm and a leg" mean?
Very expensive and high priced.
What does "feeling blue" mean?
To feel sad.
What does "spill the beans" mean?
To give away a secret.
What does "play with fire" mean?
To do something very risky.
What does "live high off the hog" mean?
To have an expensive lifestyle.
What does "wet behind the ears" mean?
Inexperienced and young.
What does "golden opportunity" mean?
The perfect chance.
What does "chip off the old block" mean?
A child who looks or acts just like a parent.
What does "crash a party" mean?
To attend a party without being invited.
What does "opening a can of worms" mean?
Creating a new set of problems.
What does "joined at the hip" mean?
To be exceptionally close to someone.
What does "yellow-bellied" mean?
A coward; not brave.
What does "easy as pie" mean?
Something is very easy.
What does "ring a bell" mean?
When something sounds familiar.
What does "have a cow" mean?
To get upset or angry.
What does "a sight for sore eyes" mean?
Someone that you're pleased to see.
What does "green with envy" mean?
Wanting something someone else has.
What does "on cloud nine" mean?
Very happy, joyous, peaceful.
What does "on a roll" mean?
Having a consistent run of success.