What does "Hit the sack" mean?
Go to sleep
To throw in the towel
To quit
In a pickle
took me under her wing
Took care of someone.
Hit the hay
Go to sleep
It's a piece of cake
Something is easy
Cost an arm and a leg
Very expensive
Wouldn't hurt a fly
Nice person who wouldn't hurt anyone.
Spill the beans
to tell a secret
Hit the books
To study
Under the weather
Feeling sick
All Greek to me
I don't understand
Put our heads together
Work together to get something resolved
All the bells and whistles
All the special features
Bite his tongue
Be quite and stop talking
A couch potato
A lazy person
Monkey business
Silly behavior
Give her a hand
Help her
Take a rain check
To dmake plans to do something later
Cold feet
To be nervous
Let the cat out of the bag
To tell a secret
Kicked the habit
Stopped doing something that was a habit.
Plenty of fish in the sea
there are many choices out in the world
It's a long shot
Small chance of success
Go above what is asked of you