That test was a piece of cake!
Piece of cake means...
Very easy
I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!
When pigs fly means...
Something that is highly unlikely to ever happen
Tell me a story, I'm all ears.
All ears means...
Listening carefully
"It's raining cats and dogs" mean...
It's pouring or raining very hard
Time flies when you are having fun means...
Time is going by quickly
Quit being a couch potato! Go outside and play!
Couch potato means...
Someone who is lazy
Holy cow! Did you see that? That was so cool!
Holy cow means...
Something that is surprising or shocking
What's the matter Lucy, cat got your tongue?
Cat got your tongue means...
Asking someone why they aren't saying anything
My daughter always has her head in the clouds as she walks home from school.
Head in the clouds mean...
Daydreaming or unaware of what's going on
I stayed up all night studying so I'd better catch some z's before it gets even later.
To catch some z's means...
To get some sleep
You are one smart cookie.
Smart cookie means...
Someone who is smart
Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.
Hold you horses mean...
To wait a moment
My mom told me that I have a heart of gold because I volunteer in my free time.
Heart of gold means...
To be kind and generous
Sarah was on cloud nine when she got her test back.
On cloud nine means...
To be extremely happy and excited
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
Speak your mind means...
To say what you really feel
I can't sit around all day - someone has to bring home the bacon.
Bring home the bacon means...
To earn money for your family.
I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag.
Let the cat out of the bag means...
To reveal a secret
What does "two heads are better than one" mean?
It's helpful to have the advice or opinion of a second person
My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
Once in a blue moon means...
Not very often
Billy was drawing a blank when he tried to remember the date of his doctor’s appointment.
To draw a blank means...
Fail to remember something
She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.
Cool as a cucumber means...
To be very calm and relaxed
I've been as busy as a bee all day doing my spring-cleaning.
Busy as a bee means...
Very busy and active
Costs an arm and a leg means...
Very expensive
She was feeling on top of the world after winning the tennis tournament.
On top of the world means...
Very happy
We have been studying all day. It's late; let's call it a day.
Call it day means...
To quit or stop